August 2012 - Present
August 19, 2012
- EPISODE #56 is fully charged and ready for departure. Listen to this episode HERE along with other past episodes or download it HERE and read a full transcription of the show.
Yes, yes. It's been more than a month since the last show. A bit longer of a break than I had intended. But lots of things happened since the last episode. Mainly, I've been gearing up to get ready for school. Spent lots of time with family and friends. Watching movies. Going to shows. I went to a few shows! Can you believe that? Yes, excellent ones too. Watched Dark Knight on premier night too. I saw the first and last films of this trilogy in theaters, but not the second one, which was probably the most important one and now a staple in film history. Oh well. Excellent movie. Finished the Frasier series...good gawd, that was an excellent series. Now I'm watching Gantz. What a transition eh? But sadly summer has officially ended. Well, today is the last day before school. How shall I spend it? I'll see...
Anyway, exciting times lay ahead. Lots of ideas brewing here. Of course, new episodes in the works too. Did anyone check out the new Faithless Saints, State Dependent Learning? It's on iTunes, but I think physical copies will be available soon. And of course, The Seriouslys, from Las Vegas. Nice punk-pop from that trio. A lot of excellent releases this past summer. On today's episode, I have seven new tunes from some excellent bands. On this episode are songs by Sohns, Strike to Survive, run, Walk!, Still Alive, Siblings, Lands on Fire, and From Scars. Be sure to check out their links and tunes. More info HERE.
I think I better head out now though and catch some sun before it settles down. Traffic is going to be insane these next couple weeks. Good times, lol. Thanks to everyone who checked out the Birthday episode and whoever has been downloaded episodes. Thanks for listening :-D Support local music!
- EPISODE #56 is fully charged and ready for departure. Listen to this episode HERE along with other past episodes or download it HERE and read a full transcription of the show.
Yes, yes. It's been more than a month since the last show. A bit longer of a break than I had intended. But lots of things happened since the last episode. Mainly, I've been gearing up to get ready for school. Spent lots of time with family and friends. Watching movies. Going to shows. I went to a few shows! Can you believe that? Yes, excellent ones too. Watched Dark Knight on premier night too. I saw the first and last films of this trilogy in theaters, but not the second one, which was probably the most important one and now a staple in film history. Oh well. Excellent movie. Finished the Frasier series...good gawd, that was an excellent series. Now I'm watching Gantz. What a transition eh? But sadly summer has officially ended. Well, today is the last day before school. How shall I spend it? I'll see...
Anyway, exciting times lay ahead. Lots of ideas brewing here. Of course, new episodes in the works too. Did anyone check out the new Faithless Saints, State Dependent Learning? It's on iTunes, but I think physical copies will be available soon. And of course, The Seriouslys, from Las Vegas. Nice punk-pop from that trio. A lot of excellent releases this past summer. On today's episode, I have seven new tunes from some excellent bands. On this episode are songs by Sohns, Strike to Survive, run, Walk!, Still Alive, Siblings, Lands on Fire, and From Scars. Be sure to check out their links and tunes. More info HERE.
I think I better head out now though and catch some sun before it settles down. Traffic is going to be insane these next couple weeks. Good times, lol. Thanks to everyone who checked out the Birthday episode and whoever has been downloaded episodes. Thanks for listening :-D Support local music!
October 01, 2012
- EPISODE #57 is equipped with a lifejacket and prepared to jump ship. Listen to this episode HERE which also includes the most recent past episodes and other goodies. Download the episode HERE. Subscribe through iTunes :-D
Late as usual? Yes. But I released this episode through HERE if ya didn't get the tweets :-D Thanks to everyone who has downloaded it so far! Pretty great response to it, based upon the number downloads of course! This podcast is about to break 1,000. That's a lot. For me anyways. It only took 57 episodes! Thank you though, it really does mean a lot.
So yes, I've been a bit busy. But never too busy to listen to some new records and attend a show....well, I haven't been attending too many shows either. Some rather excellent shows I've missed in the past couple weeks. I hope to catch at least one this month. Here's hoping! I've also been sick lately. Colds. Then a cough. A pretty bad one. I was that 'guy-in-the-library-who-wouldn't-stop-coughing-or-at-least-take-it-outside.' Lame. And then came the headaches. And now toothaches. I went to the dentist. It never stops.
I kind of have things worked out for the rest of the year, which should end with another amazing Top 25 Show. It'll be amazing because it'll be my list! Some of my favorite records this year...hmmmm...I'm digging the new Gaza. Impending Doom's record is tight. And I'm loving Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra. What? Yes. I think she hung out with Ben Folds too much. And that's probably a good thing. I think we could all benefit from hanging out with Ben Folds. Moving on...
But more or less, there should be a little more consistency in episode releases in these last couple months here on Earth. I almost forgot about that! No, it can''t happen. Too much new and awesome music to share and talk about. Please keep checking back here. Tell a friend about the show. Subscribe to the podcast through iTunes! :-D Thanks to everyone taking the time to listen though. Some awesome music here. For reals.
Today's episode has music from Minus, (Order of the) White Rose, My Fictions, and two new tracks from Less Life and Sights Sounds. Get into it. Support local music. Thanks for listening!
- EPISODE #57 is equipped with a lifejacket and prepared to jump ship. Listen to this episode HERE which also includes the most recent past episodes and other goodies. Download the episode HERE. Subscribe through iTunes :-D
Late as usual? Yes. But I released this episode through HERE if ya didn't get the tweets :-D Thanks to everyone who has downloaded it so far! Pretty great response to it, based upon the number downloads of course! This podcast is about to break 1,000. That's a lot. For me anyways. It only took 57 episodes! Thank you though, it really does mean a lot.
So yes, I've been a bit busy. But never too busy to listen to some new records and attend a show....well, I haven't been attending too many shows either. Some rather excellent shows I've missed in the past couple weeks. I hope to catch at least one this month. Here's hoping! I've also been sick lately. Colds. Then a cough. A pretty bad one. I was that 'guy-in-the-library-who-wouldn't-stop-coughing-or-at-least-take-it-outside.' Lame. And then came the headaches. And now toothaches. I went to the dentist. It never stops.
I kind of have things worked out for the rest of the year, which should end with another amazing Top 25 Show. It'll be amazing because it'll be my list! Some of my favorite records this year...hmmmm...I'm digging the new Gaza. Impending Doom's record is tight. And I'm loving Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra. What? Yes. I think she hung out with Ben Folds too much. And that's probably a good thing. I think we could all benefit from hanging out with Ben Folds. Moving on...
But more or less, there should be a little more consistency in episode releases in these last couple months here on Earth. I almost forgot about that! No, it can''t happen. Too much new and awesome music to share and talk about. Please keep checking back here. Tell a friend about the show. Subscribe to the podcast through iTunes! :-D Thanks to everyone taking the time to listen though. Some awesome music here. For reals.
Today's episode has music from Minus, (Order of the) White Rose, My Fictions, and two new tracks from Less Life and Sights Sounds. Get into it. Support local music. Thanks for listening!
October 20, 2012
- EPISODE #58 has clocked in and ready to work your ears! Listen to this episode HERE along with several previous episodes and specials. Download the episode HERE.
How is everyone's week? It has been a busy couple weeks and what not. But I think it should be chill from now on. Yes. Fingers crossed. I thought that to be the case last time. Oh well. Did anyone catch the season premier of Walking Dead? Oh man! OH MAN! It was pretty damn bloody. A very nice opener. Rick has everything under control. Oh and this is happening next weekend:
- EPISODE #58 has clocked in and ready to work your ears! Listen to this episode HERE along with several previous episodes and specials. Download the episode HERE.
How is everyone's week? It has been a busy couple weeks and what not. But I think it should be chill from now on. Yes. Fingers crossed. I thought that to be the case last time. Oh well. Did anyone catch the season premier of Walking Dead? Oh man! OH MAN! It was pretty damn bloody. A very nice opener. Rick has everything under control. Oh and this is happening next weekend:
This should be fun, but play safe. It's an all ages show. Very excellent lineup. Didn't get to see Pharaohs or Nerve Beats yet. Or Trash Talk. Been listening to 119. That album rules. For real.
Oh yeah, since the last episode, this podcast broke 1,000 downloads! Thanks to everyone who made it happen! I guess technically, one person made it happen (it might have been me), but thanks to everyone who takes the time to listen to these episodes! Check out the bands. Support local music!
On today's episode, EPISODE 58, is an excellent set of punk, pop, and rock tunes. Fools Rush released a new EP this year titled, Expired, a follow up from their last year's album, Turns All Your Bad Feelings Into Good Ones. And also with a new release is Dads, from New Jersey. They have a new LP released through Flannel Gurl Records titled, American Radass (This Is Important). Also on the show is a track from Cold Heart Re-Press from California, The Unlovables from New York and Pink Mist from here on Oahu. Enjoy the episode and spread the word! If you'd like, that is :-D Thanks for always listening!
Oh yeah, since the last episode, this podcast broke 1,000 downloads! Thanks to everyone who made it happen! I guess technically, one person made it happen (it might have been me), but thanks to everyone who takes the time to listen to these episodes! Check out the bands. Support local music!
On today's episode, EPISODE 58, is an excellent set of punk, pop, and rock tunes. Fools Rush released a new EP this year titled, Expired, a follow up from their last year's album, Turns All Your Bad Feelings Into Good Ones. And also with a new release is Dads, from New Jersey. They have a new LP released through Flannel Gurl Records titled, American Radass (This Is Important). Also on the show is a track from Cold Heart Re-Press from California, The Unlovables from New York and Pink Mist from here on Oahu. Enjoy the episode and spread the word! If you'd like, that is :-D Thanks for always listening!
November 04, 2012
- EPISODE #59 has been pre-heated and now ready to gobble down! Listen to this episode HERE or download it HERE.
Hope everyone had a good Halloween weekend! Lot's candy goodness? Sugar concentration when up a billion? Kit Kats sure sound good right now. It was a bit of a scare here, for me anyways. And it may have been half and half with everyone else on the island. Yeah, a tsunami warning was issued because of an earthquake that happened, I think, in Canada. It was different this time because now I was on the island instead of hearing about it while in the mainland. Glad nothing had happened though. I probably should be well prepared when this sort of thing happens again.
Some upcoming coming shows.
- EPISODE #59 has been pre-heated and now ready to gobble down! Listen to this episode HERE or download it HERE.
Hope everyone had a good Halloween weekend! Lot's candy goodness? Sugar concentration when up a billion? Kit Kats sure sound good right now. It was a bit of a scare here, for me anyways. And it may have been half and half with everyone else on the island. Yeah, a tsunami warning was issued because of an earthquake that happened, I think, in Canada. It was different this time because now I was on the island instead of hearing about it while in the mainland. Glad nothing had happened though. I probably should be well prepared when this sort of thing happens again.
Some upcoming coming shows.
These three shows are happening towards the end of the month. And in December, REEL BIG FISH! I'll have to check that out. Last time I saw them here on the island was...2001. Yes. 2001. Geez. But I've seen them a couple times since then on the mainland. I haven't been out to any show in a long time. I'm hoping to make it to these. Or at least the one with Go Jimmy Go happening on November 16. Been keeping busy with work and school. Two rather important things going on for me right now. And also #TheWalkingDead on Sundays. LoL.
Did any one see last week's episode? Good gawd. That was a pretty creepy ending. I wonder if the smell in that room is just uncanny. I wonder what each of those (censored) represents. LOL. I won't be a jerk and give spoilers if you haven't seen it yet. Tonight should be excellent. I guess someone may have broken the chains off of the fences. And now it's another shoot out as if it were the season premier. Lot's of blood in this season so far. I wonder where this "we're all infected" subplot will take us. When did it start exactly? That's probably key to the origin of this infection. I've never read the books so I don't know if it was all ready explained. Maybe some insight tonight? We'll see...
On today's episode is another ska-tastic episode! Time to ska-labrate! All right, enough, but seriously, some really rad-ass tunes on this show. Some kick-ass tracks by Black Star Dub Collective, Crookedhook, Go Jimmy Go, Hella Jalapenos, and Show Me Island. Nice mix of reggae, ska, punk and pop. I think so. Please enjoy these tunes! Spread with word about the show!
Can you believe it's November all ready? And Day light savings too, right? I remember working a graveyard shift in Las Vegas and saw the clock turn back to 1:00 am. It was the worst feeling in the world. Working graveyard is the worst feeling in the world. lol. I'll probably be working one of those in the future again. Oh well. Such is life. Bring it, life!
Thanks everyone for checking out these shows! I love these bands. And you should love them too :-D Thanks for listening.
Did any one see last week's episode? Good gawd. That was a pretty creepy ending. I wonder if the smell in that room is just uncanny. I wonder what each of those (censored) represents. LOL. I won't be a jerk and give spoilers if you haven't seen it yet. Tonight should be excellent. I guess someone may have broken the chains off of the fences. And now it's another shoot out as if it were the season premier. Lot's of blood in this season so far. I wonder where this "we're all infected" subplot will take us. When did it start exactly? That's probably key to the origin of this infection. I've never read the books so I don't know if it was all ready explained. Maybe some insight tonight? We'll see...
On today's episode is another ska-tastic episode! Time to ska-labrate! All right, enough, but seriously, some really rad-ass tunes on this show. Some kick-ass tracks by Black Star Dub Collective, Crookedhook, Go Jimmy Go, Hella Jalapenos, and Show Me Island. Nice mix of reggae, ska, punk and pop. I think so. Please enjoy these tunes! Spread with word about the show!
Can you believe it's November all ready? And Day light savings too, right? I remember working a graveyard shift in Las Vegas and saw the clock turn back to 1:00 am. It was the worst feeling in the world. Working graveyard is the worst feeling in the world. lol. I'll probably be working one of those in the future again. Oh well. Such is life. Bring it, life!
Thanks everyone for checking out these shows! I love these bands. And you should love them too :-D Thanks for listening.
November 18, 2012
- EPISODE #60 is clocked in and ready to work your ears. Stream this episode and others HERE or download the episode HERE.
I've been making it a good/bad habit of staying in on the weekends to get stuff done. Homework especially. Good gawd man, my brain is taking an academic beating of sorts. But no distress, just eustress, right? Right. Like Brett from Alien, right, right. And it's bad because I'm missing everything else that's going on. I want to watch Skyfall, the new Resident Evil, the new Silent Hill...I want Butterfingers, popcorn, peanut M&M's and a large raspberry iced tea. Nah, it can wait. Sunday's is my shit though. #TheWalkingDead and #ComicBookMen. That's my shit. For reals. And then the off season, I can again pursue my JCVD FOURTH SUNDAY extravaganza. Figure it out ;-)
But I did watch a movie this week that I haven't seen since my childhood. I shouldn't have been watching it as a kid anyway. HBO was the shit back then. Anyway, you ever watch those movies as a kid and loved it only to watch it again as an adult and find it was horrible. For me it was, well, two movies. Killer Clowns from Outer Space and Chopping Mall. It just wasn't as entertaining as it was before. Oh well. But Class of 1999 is still as badass as it ever was.
On this week's playlist is a set of heavier tunes. It features tracks from a couple debut releases, some really excellent EP's, as well as some yet-to-be officially released music. Featured on today's episode is American Standards from Arizona. They released a new EP titled, Still Life, which will be re-released through We Are Triumphant Records. Also on the show are Manalive, a four-piece from New Jersey with a track from their debut EP, Pistol to the Head of the Modern Man. Also, new to the show are Still Sea, from Salt Lake City, Utah, with a track from their EP, Palms Open to the Firmament, which was released at the end of last year. They're taking a break from playing shows to write some new material. Also with new music on the way are Siblings, a four-piece from here on the island, with a planned eight-song EP set to be released sometime next year. On this episode is a demo titled, The Fear. Other tracks on the demo have been streaming on other sites including on the DIY Hawaii site, the Whatever Underground (check that out HERE). They're a collective of artists, musicians, bands, and the like, putting together endless amounts of shows in the community. And I'm sure they do more than that as well. Much praise to them for keeping the music scene so active here. And all ages shows too :-D Awesome. And closing the show is a track from Territory, from Tuscon, with a track from their new LP, Sic Semper Tyrannis, released through Escapist Records. This record rules. And I'd say it's a pretty fast one too, with only nine tracks in about eighteen minutes. Really dope stuff. They have a show coming up on December 9 with Code Orange Kids, Full of Hell, and Gaza. And speaking of Gaza, did anyone check out, No Absolutes in Human Suffering, their new record. Blew me...away! Yes. It did. That would be a nice show to check out. It will be happening in Phoenix on December 9. Check out Territory's Facebook HERE.
Well, it's almost Thanksgiving! My first Thanksgiving in Hawaii since....2001. That's hard to believe. Eleven Thanksgivings with other family or in some other state. Wow. Same with my birthday. The last time it was spent here was well...ten years ago. Dang. Lol.
Please enjoy this episode and the tunes on it. Be sure to visit the bands respective websites (links and other info posted HERE). Support local music! Have a good rest of the weekend! And thanks for listening, always. :-D
- EPISODE #60 is clocked in and ready to work your ears. Stream this episode and others HERE or download the episode HERE.
I've been making it a good/bad habit of staying in on the weekends to get stuff done. Homework especially. Good gawd man, my brain is taking an academic beating of sorts. But no distress, just eustress, right? Right. Like Brett from Alien, right, right. And it's bad because I'm missing everything else that's going on. I want to watch Skyfall, the new Resident Evil, the new Silent Hill...I want Butterfingers, popcorn, peanut M&M's and a large raspberry iced tea. Nah, it can wait. Sunday's is my shit though. #TheWalkingDead and #ComicBookMen. That's my shit. For reals. And then the off season, I can again pursue my JCVD FOURTH SUNDAY extravaganza. Figure it out ;-)
But I did watch a movie this week that I haven't seen since my childhood. I shouldn't have been watching it as a kid anyway. HBO was the shit back then. Anyway, you ever watch those movies as a kid and loved it only to watch it again as an adult and find it was horrible. For me it was, well, two movies. Killer Clowns from Outer Space and Chopping Mall. It just wasn't as entertaining as it was before. Oh well. But Class of 1999 is still as badass as it ever was.
On this week's playlist is a set of heavier tunes. It features tracks from a couple debut releases, some really excellent EP's, as well as some yet-to-be officially released music. Featured on today's episode is American Standards from Arizona. They released a new EP titled, Still Life, which will be re-released through We Are Triumphant Records. Also on the show are Manalive, a four-piece from New Jersey with a track from their debut EP, Pistol to the Head of the Modern Man. Also, new to the show are Still Sea, from Salt Lake City, Utah, with a track from their EP, Palms Open to the Firmament, which was released at the end of last year. They're taking a break from playing shows to write some new material. Also with new music on the way are Siblings, a four-piece from here on the island, with a planned eight-song EP set to be released sometime next year. On this episode is a demo titled, The Fear. Other tracks on the demo have been streaming on other sites including on the DIY Hawaii site, the Whatever Underground (check that out HERE). They're a collective of artists, musicians, bands, and the like, putting together endless amounts of shows in the community. And I'm sure they do more than that as well. Much praise to them for keeping the music scene so active here. And all ages shows too :-D Awesome. And closing the show is a track from Territory, from Tuscon, with a track from their new LP, Sic Semper Tyrannis, released through Escapist Records. This record rules. And I'd say it's a pretty fast one too, with only nine tracks in about eighteen minutes. Really dope stuff. They have a show coming up on December 9 with Code Orange Kids, Full of Hell, and Gaza. And speaking of Gaza, did anyone check out, No Absolutes in Human Suffering, their new record. Blew me...away! Yes. It did. That would be a nice show to check out. It will be happening in Phoenix on December 9. Check out Territory's Facebook HERE.
Well, it's almost Thanksgiving! My first Thanksgiving in Hawaii since....2001. That's hard to believe. Eleven Thanksgivings with other family or in some other state. Wow. Same with my birthday. The last time it was spent here was well...ten years ago. Dang. Lol.
Please enjoy this episode and the tunes on it. Be sure to visit the bands respective websites (links and other info posted HERE). Support local music! Have a good rest of the weekend! And thanks for listening, always. :-D
December 31, 2012
Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Year! See ya next year :-D
Hope everyone has a safe and wonderful New Year! See ya next year :-D