January 2012 - June 2012
*Back to PAST NEWS
January 18, 2012
- Episode #39 is active! Download the episode here. Listen to it here.
Welcome! Happy New Year to everyone! Hope everyone had a good New Year's. I think it was just recently Chinese New Years too. Year of the Dragon! Downtown Chinatown was a little busy this past weekend. It was also a nice a little break since the last episode. Hope everyone enjoyed the Top 25 of 2011 Episode. Thanks to all the bands and listeners for the kind words and comments. Onward into 2012!
I wanted to reflect back on some new tunes that were released in 2011. All of the bands on this episode were on previous shows and released new music throughout last year. Ninjas with Syringes released some new material in mid-December with the EP, Railroader. That was pretty cool considering Oceanography was just released several months prior. But I think these guys just love to write music. They even have a bunch of demos posted online of songs they work on. Check it out on their Soundcloud. Sound the Sky released their first EP titled, Vows and Vouchers, this past year. It's excellent and currently up for free download on their Facebook. They also just recently released a new acoustic track on Soundcloud too. After 20 "Likes" the song will be made available for download. Say Revenge! released their debut record, Rough Night, Sugar? It has a nice cover of the song, Anything, Anything, originally by Dramarama. Right now they're on a short tour playing shows in Texas and in California. Also with a new album is Elba with their self-titled record. This is the band's third full-length. Check out a music video for their song, From a Sinking Ship, and their other tunes on their website. Also with new EP's are Citycop and The Revision Plan. Citycop came out with their Seasons EP, a nice original mix of acoustic and hardcore styles. Nice follow-up to their The Hope in Forgiving and Giving Up Hope album. The Revision Plan released, Scream Suburbia, during the Summer. A nice set of some punk-pop tunes. They also finished recording their first music video for the song, What am I Going to Do (With a Gun Rack). And finally on this episode is a track from Las Robertas. This trio recorded two tracks as part of a compilation titled, Si San Jose. The compilation has a really cool concept and will also be presented in a documentary. Check out more info on the compilations' website. The compilation features nines bands local to San Jose, Costa Rica. Each band recorded two tracks in one take in an old house using only a four-track cassette recorded. It's also up for free download on the compilations Bandcamp. Be sure to check it out, there's lots of awesome music on it.
Please enjoy the music on this episode. Support Local Music! Be sure to check out the Noise and Ramblings section to listen to some new music and read up on other random goodies. Hope everyone has an awesome 2012. Any New Year resolutions? I want to learn an instrument and hope that it won't drive my neighbors crazy. And if that happens, well, another resolution would be to get along with my neighbors ;-) Thanks again for stopping by and as always, thanks for listening! :-D
- Episode #39 is active! Download the episode here. Listen to it here.
Welcome! Happy New Year to everyone! Hope everyone had a good New Year's. I think it was just recently Chinese New Years too. Year of the Dragon! Downtown Chinatown was a little busy this past weekend. It was also a nice a little break since the last episode. Hope everyone enjoyed the Top 25 of 2011 Episode. Thanks to all the bands and listeners for the kind words and comments. Onward into 2012!
I wanted to reflect back on some new tunes that were released in 2011. All of the bands on this episode were on previous shows and released new music throughout last year. Ninjas with Syringes released some new material in mid-December with the EP, Railroader. That was pretty cool considering Oceanography was just released several months prior. But I think these guys just love to write music. They even have a bunch of demos posted online of songs they work on. Check it out on their Soundcloud. Sound the Sky released their first EP titled, Vows and Vouchers, this past year. It's excellent and currently up for free download on their Facebook. They also just recently released a new acoustic track on Soundcloud too. After 20 "Likes" the song will be made available for download. Say Revenge! released their debut record, Rough Night, Sugar? It has a nice cover of the song, Anything, Anything, originally by Dramarama. Right now they're on a short tour playing shows in Texas and in California. Also with a new album is Elba with their self-titled record. This is the band's third full-length. Check out a music video for their song, From a Sinking Ship, and their other tunes on their website. Also with new EP's are Citycop and The Revision Plan. Citycop came out with their Seasons EP, a nice original mix of acoustic and hardcore styles. Nice follow-up to their The Hope in Forgiving and Giving Up Hope album. The Revision Plan released, Scream Suburbia, during the Summer. A nice set of some punk-pop tunes. They also finished recording their first music video for the song, What am I Going to Do (With a Gun Rack). And finally on this episode is a track from Las Robertas. This trio recorded two tracks as part of a compilation titled, Si San Jose. The compilation has a really cool concept and will also be presented in a documentary. Check out more info on the compilations' website. The compilation features nines bands local to San Jose, Costa Rica. Each band recorded two tracks in one take in an old house using only a four-track cassette recorded. It's also up for free download on the compilations Bandcamp. Be sure to check it out, there's lots of awesome music on it.
Please enjoy the music on this episode. Support Local Music! Be sure to check out the Noise and Ramblings section to listen to some new music and read up on other random goodies. Hope everyone has an awesome 2012. Any New Year resolutions? I want to learn an instrument and hope that it won't drive my neighbors crazy. And if that happens, well, another resolution would be to get along with my neighbors ;-) Thanks again for stopping by and as always, thanks for listening! :-D
February 01, 2012
- Episode #40 is now streaming! Download the episode here or listen to it along with past episodes here.
I attended my first Once a Month Punk show recently in Waikiki. I was only able to catch the first two bands of the show because I wanted to have some late night food at Zippy's with a friend. Plus, my time was about to run out, I parked all the way at the Zoo. Nice walk though. It was excellent seeing Pimpbot and hearing them play their new stuff. Their CK song is dope live too. And got to check out ODM (OMF?). They had some pretty tight songs.
This episode is a bit short, just under 14 minutes, but it has some excellent songs. Opening the show is a hardcore band from Manchester, A Victory At Sea. They released their debut self-titled last year and it's available through Horn and Hoof Records. It's a nice mix of hardcore and punk, very melodic and energetic. They have their first show of 2012 coming up, check it out here. Also on the show are Conflict Resolution and Sabertooth Snatch, both from Arizona and with records on Goin' Ape Shit Records. Conflict Resolution are really tight, they keep it fast and aggressive throughout their record, American Internment (2009), their second 7". Sabertooth Snatch just recently went on a mini tour with Vanish Twin, hitting spots in California, Arizona and in Nevada. They played a show in Las Vegas with Die Laughing, The Mapes, and a couple others. That would have been a fun one to go to. Also gearing up to go on tour is Ridgemont from Boston. They will be on the road for all of May and most of June. They will be going through Florida, Texas, most of the West Coast and Pacific Northwest, and a bunch of other cities. Be sure to check out their website for dates and details. Ridgemont may also have some new songs and maybe a new record out in time for the tour. On this episode is a tune from their Documented Failures EP. Also on the show is a new song from Casket Life. The band released their new EP, Doesn't Live Here Anymore, back in October on Halloween. It's got six songs of some excellent punk rock from Arizona. I only just recently heard about it and had to pick up a copy. Be sure to check it out.
It's been an awesome month so far. I can't believe it's all ready February. It's also Black History Month. Lots of good things to look back on. Also lots of new music coming out. Looking forward to the new No Trigger and split with Fools Rush and Abolitionist. Currently listening to the new Pinstripes, I, album. The Big Friendly Corporation released their new album as well. Check it out if you get a chance, I'm liking the new music.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the music on this episode. If you haven't all ready, be sure to subscribe to the podcast through iTunes. Support local music! And much, much thanks for listening :-D
- Episode #40 is now streaming! Download the episode here or listen to it along with past episodes here.
I attended my first Once a Month Punk show recently in Waikiki. I was only able to catch the first two bands of the show because I wanted to have some late night food at Zippy's with a friend. Plus, my time was about to run out, I parked all the way at the Zoo. Nice walk though. It was excellent seeing Pimpbot and hearing them play their new stuff. Their CK song is dope live too. And got to check out ODM (OMF?). They had some pretty tight songs.
This episode is a bit short, just under 14 minutes, but it has some excellent songs. Opening the show is a hardcore band from Manchester, A Victory At Sea. They released their debut self-titled last year and it's available through Horn and Hoof Records. It's a nice mix of hardcore and punk, very melodic and energetic. They have their first show of 2012 coming up, check it out here. Also on the show are Conflict Resolution and Sabertooth Snatch, both from Arizona and with records on Goin' Ape Shit Records. Conflict Resolution are really tight, they keep it fast and aggressive throughout their record, American Internment (2009), their second 7". Sabertooth Snatch just recently went on a mini tour with Vanish Twin, hitting spots in California, Arizona and in Nevada. They played a show in Las Vegas with Die Laughing, The Mapes, and a couple others. That would have been a fun one to go to. Also gearing up to go on tour is Ridgemont from Boston. They will be on the road for all of May and most of June. They will be going through Florida, Texas, most of the West Coast and Pacific Northwest, and a bunch of other cities. Be sure to check out their website for dates and details. Ridgemont may also have some new songs and maybe a new record out in time for the tour. On this episode is a tune from their Documented Failures EP. Also on the show is a new song from Casket Life. The band released their new EP, Doesn't Live Here Anymore, back in October on Halloween. It's got six songs of some excellent punk rock from Arizona. I only just recently heard about it and had to pick up a copy. Be sure to check it out.
It's been an awesome month so far. I can't believe it's all ready February. It's also Black History Month. Lots of good things to look back on. Also lots of new music coming out. Looking forward to the new No Trigger and split with Fools Rush and Abolitionist. Currently listening to the new Pinstripes, I, album. The Big Friendly Corporation released their new album as well. Check it out if you get a chance, I'm liking the new music.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you enjoy the music on this episode. If you haven't all ready, be sure to subscribe to the podcast through iTunes. Support local music! And much, much thanks for listening :-D
February 11, 2012
- Episode #41 is streaming and ready to rock your ears! Download the episode here or listen to it here.
The Walking Dead will premier tomorrow night! I'm pretty stoked for this. I don't know what's in store for the gang now, since after taking out Sophia. Oh the horror! Did I just give away spoilers? I hope not. Otherwise...lol, sorry. If you haven't caught any of last season's episodes playing during the Fall, catch up now! Been listening to lots of new music. Upcoming episodes should be nice :-D But this weeks episode is just as excellent.
On this episode, I have a few songs from some earlier works of some of the bands. On the episode is a song from The Please and Thank Yous' debut EP, Mulligan. That EP has a few original versions of songs that appear on their album, Mind Yr P's & Q's. The band also has a couple new unmixed tunes on their website to stream. Those tunes should be a part of their second album, which they're done with tracking. Yay! I also play a track from The Slats' Pick It Up album that they released back in 2004. Love those guys and their tunes. Very odd and wacky sounding, but they make it sound so good. And of course, another awesome track by Challenger! They too have some new music coming out soon! Can't wait to hear some of those new fresh recordings. In the meantime (Oooo, Helmet!), check out some tracks they have available for free on their Bandcamp. Opening the episode is a track from Radio Control. It comes from their debut album, Hot Audio, that they released last year through Polk Records. This band are a guitar/drum duo with some nice punk and rock tunes. Their album up for nameyourprice on Bandcamp right now. Check it out. And finally on the episode is a track from The Sidekicks from Ohio. The song comes from their single, Grace, which will also be on their upcoming album, Awkward Breeds, set to be released on February 21 through Red Scare. The single comes with the awesome track, The Wallflowers, and the digital version comes with an additional two awesome tracks, The 9th Piece (alternate version) and Stay. Their songs just sound so lovely. Go check'em, go check'em, go check'em, go!
Any exciting plans for this Valentines Day? The weekend? I'll be rocking out at home watching some horror movies. I know, fun right? Exciting! I'll see. But until then, I do hope you enjoy this episode. I absolutely love these songs and bands. Thanks to everyone downloading episodes and for visiting the site! Have a fun weekend! A great Valentines! And always, thanks for listening!
- Episode #41 is streaming and ready to rock your ears! Download the episode here or listen to it here.
The Walking Dead will premier tomorrow night! I'm pretty stoked for this. I don't know what's in store for the gang now, since after taking out Sophia. Oh the horror! Did I just give away spoilers? I hope not. Otherwise...lol, sorry. If you haven't caught any of last season's episodes playing during the Fall, catch up now! Been listening to lots of new music. Upcoming episodes should be nice :-D But this weeks episode is just as excellent.
On this episode, I have a few songs from some earlier works of some of the bands. On the episode is a song from The Please and Thank Yous' debut EP, Mulligan. That EP has a few original versions of songs that appear on their album, Mind Yr P's & Q's. The band also has a couple new unmixed tunes on their website to stream. Those tunes should be a part of their second album, which they're done with tracking. Yay! I also play a track from The Slats' Pick It Up album that they released back in 2004. Love those guys and their tunes. Very odd and wacky sounding, but they make it sound so good. And of course, another awesome track by Challenger! They too have some new music coming out soon! Can't wait to hear some of those new fresh recordings. In the meantime (Oooo, Helmet!), check out some tracks they have available for free on their Bandcamp. Opening the episode is a track from Radio Control. It comes from their debut album, Hot Audio, that they released last year through Polk Records. This band are a guitar/drum duo with some nice punk and rock tunes. Their album up for nameyourprice on Bandcamp right now. Check it out. And finally on the episode is a track from The Sidekicks from Ohio. The song comes from their single, Grace, which will also be on their upcoming album, Awkward Breeds, set to be released on February 21 through Red Scare. The single comes with the awesome track, The Wallflowers, and the digital version comes with an additional two awesome tracks, The 9th Piece (alternate version) and Stay. Their songs just sound so lovely. Go check'em, go check'em, go check'em, go!
Any exciting plans for this Valentines Day? The weekend? I'll be rocking out at home watching some horror movies. I know, fun right? Exciting! I'll see. But until then, I do hope you enjoy this episode. I absolutely love these songs and bands. Thanks to everyone downloading episodes and for visiting the site! Have a fun weekend! A great Valentines! And always, thanks for listening!
February 20, 2012
- Episode #42 is activated, go team go! Download the episode here or listen to it here.
Hope everyone is enjoying the three day weekend, but that's if you got today off...:-D The new show, Comic Book Men is pretty dope stuff, for real. What an excellent follow-up to The Walking Dead. The entire crew is awesome, Kevin, Walt, Bryan, Michael, and Ming. Jason Mewes was on last night's episode, causing mayhem and stress among the fellow employees of the Stash. If you're not familiar with the new show as of yet, the show is set up at Kevin Smith's comic shop, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash. The episode would start up with the group recording a podcast and telling the events of the day (or couple days) which would replay through the episode, often switching back and forth. People would also come in to the shop and sell comics, toys, movie memorabilia, and lots of other cool pop-culture goodies. I'd like to see some artists or writers drop by the shop and just hangout, but I can't for the life of me name any current artists or writers...but that'd be cool though. Maybe Talking Dead should have the crew from Comic Book Men on an episode sometime. Would love to hear their thoughts on a zombie apocalypse.
This new episode is a ska-themed one! Some pretty tight tunes, lots of skunk and groovy vibes. I play a track from Banditos, a four-piece from the United Kingdom. They play with acoustic guitars, but very upbeat and energetic. The band is part of the Riot Ska Collective and have a six song EP out. It's a sweet EP filled with punk influenced, folk and ska tunes. Very awesome stuff. Also on the show is another track from The Best of the Worst, this time from their Quarter Life Crisis EP from Open Hand Records. They have a show (details here) coming up on Sunday, March 4 in Long Branch, New Jersey. They'll be playing with The Flatliners, Static Radio, Lost in Society and The Scandals. Pimpbot also have a show coming up, this Friday, February 24 (details here). It's a special show because they will be celebrating 11 years! Their song on the episode is another tune from their recent self-titled album. Very very excellent stuff. Playing at the show will also be The Blue Ribbons. Also on the show is a really sweet tune from a San Diego five-piece called, Bucket of Fish. It's a really tight track from them and a smooth sound. They released it as a single last year along with another song. Check it out on their Tumblr Page. And finally on the show is a new track from Chicago locals, Still Alive. They released last month their debut album, Trials. Just like their previous demo, it's heavy with punk and hardcore fused with ska and reggae. It's up right now on their Bandcamp @nameyourprice. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.
Please enjoy the ska tunes on this episode. And speaking of ska, if you're in the Las Vegas area in April, another cool festival along the lines of Ska Summit will be happening. It's called Viva Ska Vegas with an all ready cool lineup set to play with more on the way. So far MU330, The Aquabats, Tuesday After School, The Remedies, Go Go 13 and a bunch of others are set to play. And Hepcat was also recently added to this year's Punk Rock Bowling. If there's any reason to check out PRB, it would be to see Hepcat. For sure. Anyways, thank you for stopping by and checking out the episode and site! Thank you to all the listeners downloading episodes, it means the world to me :-D I hope you're enjoying the episodes along with all the awesome music as much as I do putting them together. Sick tunes, for real. More episodes in the works with more awesome tunes, so please keep checking back. Feel free to recommend the show to a friend. And please subscribe to the show if you haven't all ready in iTunes :-D Have an awesome week and enjoy the nice weekend while it lasts. Support local music and as always, thanks for listening!
- Episode #42 is activated, go team go! Download the episode here or listen to it here.
Hope everyone is enjoying the three day weekend, but that's if you got today off...:-D The new show, Comic Book Men is pretty dope stuff, for real. What an excellent follow-up to The Walking Dead. The entire crew is awesome, Kevin, Walt, Bryan, Michael, and Ming. Jason Mewes was on last night's episode, causing mayhem and stress among the fellow employees of the Stash. If you're not familiar with the new show as of yet, the show is set up at Kevin Smith's comic shop, Jay and Silent Bob's Secret Stash. The episode would start up with the group recording a podcast and telling the events of the day (or couple days) which would replay through the episode, often switching back and forth. People would also come in to the shop and sell comics, toys, movie memorabilia, and lots of other cool pop-culture goodies. I'd like to see some artists or writers drop by the shop and just hangout, but I can't for the life of me name any current artists or writers...but that'd be cool though. Maybe Talking Dead should have the crew from Comic Book Men on an episode sometime. Would love to hear their thoughts on a zombie apocalypse.
This new episode is a ska-themed one! Some pretty tight tunes, lots of skunk and groovy vibes. I play a track from Banditos, a four-piece from the United Kingdom. They play with acoustic guitars, but very upbeat and energetic. The band is part of the Riot Ska Collective and have a six song EP out. It's a sweet EP filled with punk influenced, folk and ska tunes. Very awesome stuff. Also on the show is another track from The Best of the Worst, this time from their Quarter Life Crisis EP from Open Hand Records. They have a show (details here) coming up on Sunday, March 4 in Long Branch, New Jersey. They'll be playing with The Flatliners, Static Radio, Lost in Society and The Scandals. Pimpbot also have a show coming up, this Friday, February 24 (details here). It's a special show because they will be celebrating 11 years! Their song on the episode is another tune from their recent self-titled album. Very very excellent stuff. Playing at the show will also be The Blue Ribbons. Also on the show is a really sweet tune from a San Diego five-piece called, Bucket of Fish. It's a really tight track from them and a smooth sound. They released it as a single last year along with another song. Check it out on their Tumblr Page. And finally on the show is a new track from Chicago locals, Still Alive. They released last month their debut album, Trials. Just like their previous demo, it's heavy with punk and hardcore fused with ska and reggae. It's up right now on their Bandcamp @nameyourprice. Check it out, you won't be disappointed.
Please enjoy the ska tunes on this episode. And speaking of ska, if you're in the Las Vegas area in April, another cool festival along the lines of Ska Summit will be happening. It's called Viva Ska Vegas with an all ready cool lineup set to play with more on the way. So far MU330, The Aquabats, Tuesday After School, The Remedies, Go Go 13 and a bunch of others are set to play. And Hepcat was also recently added to this year's Punk Rock Bowling. If there's any reason to check out PRB, it would be to see Hepcat. For sure. Anyways, thank you for stopping by and checking out the episode and site! Thank you to all the listeners downloading episodes, it means the world to me :-D I hope you're enjoying the episodes along with all the awesome music as much as I do putting them together. Sick tunes, for real. More episodes in the works with more awesome tunes, so please keep checking back. Feel free to recommend the show to a friend. And please subscribe to the show if you haven't all ready in iTunes :-D Have an awesome week and enjoy the nice weekend while it lasts. Support local music and as always, thanks for listening!
March 01, 2012
- EPISODE #43 is enabled! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
Hello! Did any one catch the Oscars on Sunday? I think it was this past Sunday. Anyway, I didn't. Not that I have no interest, I do, it's just that my interests that night went towards The Walking Dead and Comic Book Men! Seriously, I don't know what I'm going to be doing on Sunday's when both season's are over. And it's soon! Or three weeks left? I'm not sure.
But for movies, if I'm going to be watching this year, it's going to be Prometheus. Check out the website for that movie HERE, but beware! I missed the disclaimer on the top and read which character(s) will be dead and who lives. Lame. Spoilers! Movie is going to be awesome, epic, and amazing! For sure.
Today's episode is titled, Go to that show, do it now, or forever think about what could-have-been. So on the episode, I have some excellent tunes, revisiting some bands and introducing some new (and inactive) ones as well. Opening up the show is a track from Pens. They were a three-piece based in London and have one album and single out through De Stijl Records. They play sort of experimental lo-fi pop and rock. From the few live videos that I've seen of theirs (they have lots), they play with a tiny keyboard (looks like it has 20 or so keys on there), drums (floor tom, snare and one crash), sometimes guitar, and a vocalist. Really fun to listen to. I first heard about this band from another project, Look Look (Dancing Boys). It was one of those bands that I found on myspace while just browsing the music section. But this was a while ago while I was living in Vancouver. And during that time, Pens made a stop in Portland, playing at Doug Fir. I really wish now that I had called in sick at work that night. Also on the show is a tune from Muerte Y Destruccion, off of their first demo. They are right now recording some new tunes for an upcoming 10" Record. Really looking forward to hearing some new music from this band. Really awesome pop-rock sung in Spanish. I play too another one from Brave Monster, Breakdance Kid. Even though they're not playing anymore, they did play a recent show in January. Brave Monster played with Wendy Darling, She Beards, and Chris!Chris!Chris! I would have driven to San Diego to attend this show...which is about 5 or so hours from Las Vegas? Yeah, would have been definitely worth it. Also on the show is a track from Brief Candles. Same track from the TOP 25 OF 2011 SHOW. Which is an excellent song. They have a show coming up this Saturday, March 3. I think it's a local Milwaukee show. Details about it are HERE. If you're in the area, I recommend watching a show of theirs if you haven't all ready. And finally on the show is Mrs. Howl from San Antonio. Very awesome rock and punk, very energetic stuff that can have you dancing in moments. The track come from their new album, Lovie and a Yellow Lamp. Check out their tunes on BANDCAMP. And they have more new music on the way. That should be awesome.
Once again, thank you so much for checking out the website and episodes! Support local and independent music! The new 808 SHOWS website is now up! Looking forward to some of these shows. And it's the 17th Anniversary (I think maybe soon) of HAWAIIAN EXPRESS.
Please enjoy the songs on this episode and feel free to tell a friend about the show! :-D Thank you again for stopping by and as always, thanks for listening!
- EPISODE #43 is enabled! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
Hello! Did any one catch the Oscars on Sunday? I think it was this past Sunday. Anyway, I didn't. Not that I have no interest, I do, it's just that my interests that night went towards The Walking Dead and Comic Book Men! Seriously, I don't know what I'm going to be doing on Sunday's when both season's are over. And it's soon! Or three weeks left? I'm not sure.
But for movies, if I'm going to be watching this year, it's going to be Prometheus. Check out the website for that movie HERE, but beware! I missed the disclaimer on the top and read which character(s) will be dead and who lives. Lame. Spoilers! Movie is going to be awesome, epic, and amazing! For sure.
Today's episode is titled, Go to that show, do it now, or forever think about what could-have-been. So on the episode, I have some excellent tunes, revisiting some bands and introducing some new (and inactive) ones as well. Opening up the show is a track from Pens. They were a three-piece based in London and have one album and single out through De Stijl Records. They play sort of experimental lo-fi pop and rock. From the few live videos that I've seen of theirs (they have lots), they play with a tiny keyboard (looks like it has 20 or so keys on there), drums (floor tom, snare and one crash), sometimes guitar, and a vocalist. Really fun to listen to. I first heard about this band from another project, Look Look (Dancing Boys). It was one of those bands that I found on myspace while just browsing the music section. But this was a while ago while I was living in Vancouver. And during that time, Pens made a stop in Portland, playing at Doug Fir. I really wish now that I had called in sick at work that night. Also on the show is a tune from Muerte Y Destruccion, off of their first demo. They are right now recording some new tunes for an upcoming 10" Record. Really looking forward to hearing some new music from this band. Really awesome pop-rock sung in Spanish. I play too another one from Brave Monster, Breakdance Kid. Even though they're not playing anymore, they did play a recent show in January. Brave Monster played with Wendy Darling, She Beards, and Chris!Chris!Chris! I would have driven to San Diego to attend this show...which is about 5 or so hours from Las Vegas? Yeah, would have been definitely worth it. Also on the show is a track from Brief Candles. Same track from the TOP 25 OF 2011 SHOW. Which is an excellent song. They have a show coming up this Saturday, March 3. I think it's a local Milwaukee show. Details about it are HERE. If you're in the area, I recommend watching a show of theirs if you haven't all ready. And finally on the show is Mrs. Howl from San Antonio. Very awesome rock and punk, very energetic stuff that can have you dancing in moments. The track come from their new album, Lovie and a Yellow Lamp. Check out their tunes on BANDCAMP. And they have more new music on the way. That should be awesome.
Once again, thank you so much for checking out the website and episodes! Support local and independent music! The new 808 SHOWS website is now up! Looking forward to some of these shows. And it's the 17th Anniversary (I think maybe soon) of HAWAIIAN EXPRESS.
Please enjoy the songs on this episode and feel free to tell a friend about the show! :-D Thank you again for stopping by and as always, thanks for listening!
March 11, 2012
- EPISODE #44 is strapped in and streaming now! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
It's been raining a lot here. This entire week. And the week before. Right now, it's just a bit windy outside, but that's how I like it. The rain did a number on some of the streets here though. Huge pot holes that wouldn't have been there otherwise and my dumbass went on it twice at this one spot right on the freeway entrance. Oh well. Been trying to play catch-up with some records that I bought a little bit ago that I haven't had a chance to listen to yet. The same with books. And games. A buddy of mine let me borrow Fatal Frame I through III. It's too scary to play by myself. Here's to late nights with tons and tons of coffee. But I'll have to save that for later and focus on work. I'm liking my job so far, but I know I'm in for some rough times ahead.
So today's episode is a special one. On today's show is some electronic music in its many forms, really cool songs to listen to. A lot of these too are solo side projects of people playing regularly in other rock bands. I've played with some electronic music software before and it is pretty damn fun. I'm only familiar with Logitech and Fruity Loops though. Has anyone tried Fruity Loops? That thing was the best. On the show is Beefclaw, the new project of Mat Fixit, singer of the once active hardcore punk band, Fixit Kid. The music is really thick sounding with lots of drum patterns and bass thumping constantly throughout the tracks. It also sounds like there are some 8-bit type of sounds in the songs too. Beefclaw will be playing a gig on March 30, at Holy Smokes! The Derby Music and Arts Collective. Should be loads of fun. Another solo side project on the episode is Pie Are Squared, who is actually, Mohammed Ashraf, from Cairo, Egypt. He is a member of the rock band, Feed Me. Pie Are Squared writes some pretty epic tunes, songs that stretch out far and wide of noise and ambiance. But his work has progressed with each passing release. His most recent work, (Hungover In) Siberia, is vast and atmospheric. Very interesting compositions. Also on the episode is Candy Warpop, a progressive rock band from Las Vegas. They recently released a music video for the song Smilefucker. Really cool video, kind of weird and creepy-weird, but fun to watch. The song on this episode is a Metaphase remix of that song. They will again be playing at this year's Neon Reverb, the music and arts festival based in Las Vegas. The festival starts on the 20th, but I believe Candy Warpop will be playing on March 23. Should be an awesome time! Also on the show is From the Cradle to the Rave, a punk and ska drum and bass project. Really aggressive stuff, and you can hear some of the punk and ska elements in their songs. They have a few releases out, but I first heard about them through the Unknown and Riot Ska Records compilation, Aceh: 10 Days Strong Mixtape. Closing the episode is the side project of Michael Buehl, member of the the alternative rock-band, Abandon the Raft. He goes by Moonwatcher. Its really, really awesome stuff on his new self-titled EP. Most of these projects have their music on Bandcamp up for free download or @nameyourprice. Check out their respective links HERE.
Just wanted to say thanks again to all the people visiting the site and downloading episodes. It means a whole lot, really. If you enjoyed today's episode, go out and support the bands! Support local music! Next week, if not later, I'm going to release another special episode, but this time it'll be acoustic tracks. Check back again for that! And if you haven't all ready, feel free to subscribe to this podcast through iTunes and recommend the show to a friend. As always, thanks for listening :-D
- EPISODE #44 is strapped in and streaming now! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
It's been raining a lot here. This entire week. And the week before. Right now, it's just a bit windy outside, but that's how I like it. The rain did a number on some of the streets here though. Huge pot holes that wouldn't have been there otherwise and my dumbass went on it twice at this one spot right on the freeway entrance. Oh well. Been trying to play catch-up with some records that I bought a little bit ago that I haven't had a chance to listen to yet. The same with books. And games. A buddy of mine let me borrow Fatal Frame I through III. It's too scary to play by myself. Here's to late nights with tons and tons of coffee. But I'll have to save that for later and focus on work. I'm liking my job so far, but I know I'm in for some rough times ahead.
So today's episode is a special one. On today's show is some electronic music in its many forms, really cool songs to listen to. A lot of these too are solo side projects of people playing regularly in other rock bands. I've played with some electronic music software before and it is pretty damn fun. I'm only familiar with Logitech and Fruity Loops though. Has anyone tried Fruity Loops? That thing was the best. On the show is Beefclaw, the new project of Mat Fixit, singer of the once active hardcore punk band, Fixit Kid. The music is really thick sounding with lots of drum patterns and bass thumping constantly throughout the tracks. It also sounds like there are some 8-bit type of sounds in the songs too. Beefclaw will be playing a gig on March 30, at Holy Smokes! The Derby Music and Arts Collective. Should be loads of fun. Another solo side project on the episode is Pie Are Squared, who is actually, Mohammed Ashraf, from Cairo, Egypt. He is a member of the rock band, Feed Me. Pie Are Squared writes some pretty epic tunes, songs that stretch out far and wide of noise and ambiance. But his work has progressed with each passing release. His most recent work, (Hungover In) Siberia, is vast and atmospheric. Very interesting compositions. Also on the episode is Candy Warpop, a progressive rock band from Las Vegas. They recently released a music video for the song Smilefucker. Really cool video, kind of weird and creepy-weird, but fun to watch. The song on this episode is a Metaphase remix of that song. They will again be playing at this year's Neon Reverb, the music and arts festival based in Las Vegas. The festival starts on the 20th, but I believe Candy Warpop will be playing on March 23. Should be an awesome time! Also on the show is From the Cradle to the Rave, a punk and ska drum and bass project. Really aggressive stuff, and you can hear some of the punk and ska elements in their songs. They have a few releases out, but I first heard about them through the Unknown and Riot Ska Records compilation, Aceh: 10 Days Strong Mixtape. Closing the episode is the side project of Michael Buehl, member of the the alternative rock-band, Abandon the Raft. He goes by Moonwatcher. Its really, really awesome stuff on his new self-titled EP. Most of these projects have their music on Bandcamp up for free download or @nameyourprice. Check out their respective links HERE.
Just wanted to say thanks again to all the people visiting the site and downloading episodes. It means a whole lot, really. If you enjoyed today's episode, go out and support the bands! Support local music! Next week, if not later, I'm going to release another special episode, but this time it'll be acoustic tracks. Check back again for that! And if you haven't all ready, feel free to subscribe to this podcast through iTunes and recommend the show to a friend. As always, thanks for listening :-D
March 18, 2012
- EPISODE #45 is locked and loaded! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
Happy St.Paddy's Day! Or is it rather, Post-St.Paddy's Day! Hangover starts now! Maybe for some of you, a few hours ago? Or still sleeping? Hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend. I was planning on going out, but I wasn't sure if the show I wanted to see was still going to go through with it. It only had one band confirmed...lol, I just didn't want to make the drive down there for nothing I guess. I ended up watching Escape and Conquest of the Planet of the Apes movies. How could the humans let that happen? lol.
Tonight marks the season finale of The Walking Dead and Comic Book Men. Seriously, it's been a great 6 weeks watching those shows and I'm just curious how it's going to end. It better top the scene where Sophia started walking out of that barn.
Been reading up on all the action on twitter for some bands and their stops at SXSW. Sounds like everyone had a rad time there. One of these days, I'll be going to one of those. I can't imagine what it would be like. That's a lot of music.
Oh and it's slowly tarting to dry up here on the islands. A couple mornings here had some rain, I just don't like walking down the hill to work on wet roads. And yes, the potholes while driving on the freeway are insane. Spring time, get here faster!
So on today's episode, I have another themed show, this time I'm playing all acoustic tunes. These different bands on the show all have their own styles making it a pretty diverse playlist. I like it a lot. I play another tune from Citycop off of their full-length, The Hope in Forgiving and Giving Up Hope. They just started their Spring Tour, playing shows along the East Coast. Check out their Facebook HERE for details on those shows. And be sure to check out their Seasons EP on their Bandcamp HERE. Pretty awesome stuff on that EP. The band all ready received physical copies for that. They'll also have it on vinyl through Flannel Gurl Records. I have a track from Brilliant Red Lights, a tech pop band from Sacramento, California. The song was a free acoustic song that the band used to release as part of their monthly free music series they did on their website. It isn't a full band track, just Aaron (the lead singer) singing and playing guitar. Wish they were still making music. Also on the show is a track from, A Second Strike, the acoustic side project of Mike, the lead singer for the now inactive punk-pop band, Robot Eyes. They were a really cool band and were only around for a short time. Their active years were from 2005 to 2007. I was lucky enough to catch their set at Awesome Fest in Portland, Oregon in 2005. As A Second Strike, he only released a few tracks which you can check out on his Purevolume page HERE. On the episode is also a track from Beng Beng Cocktail, a trio from France that play with a heavy influence of punk, hardcore, ska, and hip-hop in a form that they call crystalcore. They have a pretty interesting batch of songs, but certainly really fun to listen to. I especially love the basslines on their tunes. I close out the episode with a new song from Dead Frets, the acoustic oroject of Jared Stinson from Sic Waiting. He too recently went on a tour, The Drunks Go Acoustic Tour with Matt from Black Sails Western Shows (check out his tunes on Bandcamp HERE) and Brock from TheCore (check out his tunes too on Bandcamp HERE). His new album, Sell Silence, features eight new songs, some really great stuff on this album. It currently is up for nameyourprice on Bandcamp HERE. Pick it up if you haven't all ready.
Please enjoy the songs on the episode. And if you like the show, please tell a friend about it sometime! :-D Support local music! Thank you again for checking out today's show and to all the wonderful people downloading episodes. It means a lot. Have a good rest of the weekend. And don't forget, The Walking Dead and Comic Book Men tonight! Thanks for listening :-D
- EPISODE #45 is locked and loaded! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
Happy St.Paddy's Day! Or is it rather, Post-St.Paddy's Day! Hangover starts now! Maybe for some of you, a few hours ago? Or still sleeping? Hope everyone had a safe and fun weekend. I was planning on going out, but I wasn't sure if the show I wanted to see was still going to go through with it. It only had one band confirmed...lol, I just didn't want to make the drive down there for nothing I guess. I ended up watching Escape and Conquest of the Planet of the Apes movies. How could the humans let that happen? lol.
Tonight marks the season finale of The Walking Dead and Comic Book Men. Seriously, it's been a great 6 weeks watching those shows and I'm just curious how it's going to end. It better top the scene where Sophia started walking out of that barn.
Been reading up on all the action on twitter for some bands and their stops at SXSW. Sounds like everyone had a rad time there. One of these days, I'll be going to one of those. I can't imagine what it would be like. That's a lot of music.
Oh and it's slowly tarting to dry up here on the islands. A couple mornings here had some rain, I just don't like walking down the hill to work on wet roads. And yes, the potholes while driving on the freeway are insane. Spring time, get here faster!
So on today's episode, I have another themed show, this time I'm playing all acoustic tunes. These different bands on the show all have their own styles making it a pretty diverse playlist. I like it a lot. I play another tune from Citycop off of their full-length, The Hope in Forgiving and Giving Up Hope. They just started their Spring Tour, playing shows along the East Coast. Check out their Facebook HERE for details on those shows. And be sure to check out their Seasons EP on their Bandcamp HERE. Pretty awesome stuff on that EP. The band all ready received physical copies for that. They'll also have it on vinyl through Flannel Gurl Records. I have a track from Brilliant Red Lights, a tech pop band from Sacramento, California. The song was a free acoustic song that the band used to release as part of their monthly free music series they did on their website. It isn't a full band track, just Aaron (the lead singer) singing and playing guitar. Wish they were still making music. Also on the show is a track from, A Second Strike, the acoustic side project of Mike, the lead singer for the now inactive punk-pop band, Robot Eyes. They were a really cool band and were only around for a short time. Their active years were from 2005 to 2007. I was lucky enough to catch their set at Awesome Fest in Portland, Oregon in 2005. As A Second Strike, he only released a few tracks which you can check out on his Purevolume page HERE. On the episode is also a track from Beng Beng Cocktail, a trio from France that play with a heavy influence of punk, hardcore, ska, and hip-hop in a form that they call crystalcore. They have a pretty interesting batch of songs, but certainly really fun to listen to. I especially love the basslines on their tunes. I close out the episode with a new song from Dead Frets, the acoustic oroject of Jared Stinson from Sic Waiting. He too recently went on a tour, The Drunks Go Acoustic Tour with Matt from Black Sails Western Shows (check out his tunes on Bandcamp HERE) and Brock from TheCore (check out his tunes too on Bandcamp HERE). His new album, Sell Silence, features eight new songs, some really great stuff on this album. It currently is up for nameyourprice on Bandcamp HERE. Pick it up if you haven't all ready.
Please enjoy the songs on the episode. And if you like the show, please tell a friend about it sometime! :-D Support local music! Thank you again for checking out today's show and to all the wonderful people downloading episodes. It means a lot. Have a good rest of the weekend. And don't forget, The Walking Dead and Comic Book Men tonight! Thanks for listening :-D
March 25, 2012
- EPISODE #46 is on full steam ahead! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
I'm beginning to notice the Red Boxes here because I don't think they've been here before...and I think there is only one Blockbuster left on the island, but maybe if I look hard enough, I'll find two more. And those two would be no where near where I'm at. Somewhere on the other side of the island maybe. I just want to go to a place and check out a selection of movies without having to wait in line. That's the really bad part of the Red Box. I've seen people snap at each other for trying to rush someone else (at a Terrible's/McDonalds in Las Vegas). It gets really awkward too if you're choosing a movie and then decide to call someone and ask them what they want to watch. You're conversing on the phone with four other people waiting for you to hurry the hell up. You need Netflix brotha. I honestly prefer heading down to the video store (in this case, Red Box) instead of strolling through an endless list of movies on Netflix. It just feels better that way. I picked up The Thing last night. Great movie. I sat through it a second time and realized the movie is set in 1982. Not that it started in 1982, and then flashed forward 30 years later, to the present (or 28 years later? present time). No, it's 1982 the whole time. But I guess it's Antarctica and everyone still dresses the same there. I guess the radio that they used to contact the outside world would have been the first clue too.
Today's episode is a great one! Five bands on this episode, new to the show, all excellent stuff. Opening the show is a song from The Objex, from Las Vegas. I wish I had gotten to see this band while I was living there, very excellent stuff. But I know I will sometime in the future, I hope. They released a couple music videos of songs from their newest album, Reservations For Debauchery, a little bit ago. Check out the video for RSVP HERE. My favorite thing about the video is Felony Melony's hair. For real. And check out the video for, Lethal Lips, HERE. They have shows coming up in the following months. I think they have one tonight too :-D Check out details HERE. Also on the show is a tune from Abandin All Hope, a four-piece from Alberta, Canada. They play really awesome punk-pop with a little bit of ska here and there. They've been taking time off since May of last year and nothing new since then. I also play a tune from Victory and Associates' album, These Things Are Facts (I love this album title). They played in the Latest Flames Records showcase recently at SXSW while they were on tour. Read all about it on their website HERE. Their next show will be on April 11 in San Francisco before they begin recording for their next single to be released through Latest Flame. Check out details for that show HERE. A track fromEverything On Red, from Manchester, is on the show as well. It comes from their mini-album, Songs For Sirens, released through Lockjaw Records. They play some awesome rock-pop that's heavy with keys and synth. Check out their newest tune HERE. Closing the show is The Bloodtypes with a rough demo from their upcoming record. The song is called, Be a Man. Really nice tune. Really excellent band. They had a Kickstarter project going late last year. It was successful and since then, they've been putting together their new record. Lots of shows in the works for these Portland locals. They have a few songs up for download, check it out on their Reverbnation page HERE.
Please do enjoy the songs on this episode, I know I do! Check out the bands if you ever get the chance. And of course, check out their tunes on their websites too if you got the time. April is going to be a fun month. It's Jazz appreciation Month, April Fool's, Record Store Day, and a bunch of other stuff I'm sure. Oh and I share the same birthday as Hayden Christensen. How awesome is that? Very awesome. Thank you so much for visiting the site! Thanks to everyone downloading episodes, feel free to spread the word! And be sure to check back later for the next episode. And most of all, thanks for listening! :-D
- EPISODE #46 is on full steam ahead! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
I'm beginning to notice the Red Boxes here because I don't think they've been here before...and I think there is only one Blockbuster left on the island, but maybe if I look hard enough, I'll find two more. And those two would be no where near where I'm at. Somewhere on the other side of the island maybe. I just want to go to a place and check out a selection of movies without having to wait in line. That's the really bad part of the Red Box. I've seen people snap at each other for trying to rush someone else (at a Terrible's/McDonalds in Las Vegas). It gets really awkward too if you're choosing a movie and then decide to call someone and ask them what they want to watch. You're conversing on the phone with four other people waiting for you to hurry the hell up. You need Netflix brotha. I honestly prefer heading down to the video store (in this case, Red Box) instead of strolling through an endless list of movies on Netflix. It just feels better that way. I picked up The Thing last night. Great movie. I sat through it a second time and realized the movie is set in 1982. Not that it started in 1982, and then flashed forward 30 years later, to the present (or 28 years later? present time). No, it's 1982 the whole time. But I guess it's Antarctica and everyone still dresses the same there. I guess the radio that they used to contact the outside world would have been the first clue too.
Today's episode is a great one! Five bands on this episode, new to the show, all excellent stuff. Opening the show is a song from The Objex, from Las Vegas. I wish I had gotten to see this band while I was living there, very excellent stuff. But I know I will sometime in the future, I hope. They released a couple music videos of songs from their newest album, Reservations For Debauchery, a little bit ago. Check out the video for RSVP HERE. My favorite thing about the video is Felony Melony's hair. For real. And check out the video for, Lethal Lips, HERE. They have shows coming up in the following months. I think they have one tonight too :-D Check out details HERE. Also on the show is a tune from Abandin All Hope, a four-piece from Alberta, Canada. They play really awesome punk-pop with a little bit of ska here and there. They've been taking time off since May of last year and nothing new since then. I also play a tune from Victory and Associates' album, These Things Are Facts (I love this album title). They played in the Latest Flames Records showcase recently at SXSW while they were on tour. Read all about it on their website HERE. Their next show will be on April 11 in San Francisco before they begin recording for their next single to be released through Latest Flame. Check out details for that show HERE. A track fromEverything On Red, from Manchester, is on the show as well. It comes from their mini-album, Songs For Sirens, released through Lockjaw Records. They play some awesome rock-pop that's heavy with keys and synth. Check out their newest tune HERE. Closing the show is The Bloodtypes with a rough demo from their upcoming record. The song is called, Be a Man. Really nice tune. Really excellent band. They had a Kickstarter project going late last year. It was successful and since then, they've been putting together their new record. Lots of shows in the works for these Portland locals. They have a few songs up for download, check it out on their Reverbnation page HERE.
Please do enjoy the songs on this episode, I know I do! Check out the bands if you ever get the chance. And of course, check out their tunes on their websites too if you got the time. April is going to be a fun month. It's Jazz appreciation Month, April Fool's, Record Store Day, and a bunch of other stuff I'm sure. Oh and I share the same birthday as Hayden Christensen. How awesome is that? Very awesome. Thank you so much for visiting the site! Thanks to everyone downloading episodes, feel free to spread the word! And be sure to check back later for the next episode. And most of all, thanks for listening! :-D
April 01, 2012
- EPISODE #47 is now a Go! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
April Fools Day! It's no joke, there's an a new episode here! I don't think April Fools Day and a Sunday really coincide together, lol. If you're going to pull a prank, be safe, be gentle, and have fun. A lot of things happening this month. First of all, it's Jazz Appreciation Month, did you know that? I think there's a Portland Jazz Festival that happens, which I would assume on an annual basis, and there's always jazz being played in a restaurant or lounge there too, which is awesome. I think it's a bit scarce here on the islands, but people do play it. Jazz tunes with a ukulele is pretty cool to listen to. I remember during middle school looking up to the people that played in the school Jazz bands. These were the elite of the elite and of course, first chair Wind Ensemble players. Also, this month has Record Store Day. Go out and support your local record stores! And I say support your local and independent, small mom and pop record labels as well :-D
I have another ska fun-filled show! On today's episode is a really tight track from Black Square from theirOnward album. I think they may have taken a break from playing shows, or they just don't have any lined up any time soon. Their last show was at the beginning of March. I had countless times to check them out this year, even attending one at The Venue (the place is called The Venue, like the one in Boise, and I'm sure at tons of other places). I left that one early just because I got tired standing there in between sets and drinking PBR by my all lonesome self. I at least got to check out Never Enough's set as well as False Crack. Really tight bands. Also on the show is a track from Las Vegas locals, Tuesday After School. They will be playing at Viva Ska Vegas (check out the website HERE) along with some other awesome bands on Saturday, April 28 in Las Vegas. The kick-off party looks like it will be a fun show too. Playing at that one are The Flatliners, Hardpipe Hitters, Everyone Meltdown, and a bunch of others. I would be going to this if I were still up there. For real. And speaking of cool shows, Codename: Rocky will be playing a reunion show on June 30 at The Glass House in Pamona, California. Check out details for that show HERE. I play the song, My Boss Sucks, from No Time To Waste. I love the music video for that song (check that out HERE). And also from California, originally from Mexico City, is Nino Zombi. They play really excellent punk-ska and I absolutely love the trombone lines on their songs. Check them out on the 10 Days Strong Mixtape compilation on Bandcamp HERE released by Riot Ska and Unknown Records. They just played a show last night and have a few others in the coming weeks (check out their Facebook HERE for details). Hope to hear some new tunes from this band. And finally, closing the episode is a new track from Ghetto Blaster. Last year they released a promo for their album, Think For Yourself, with only four songs. They recently released the remainder of that, with eleven songs total. I think it's an excellent album and you should check it out if you get a chance.
Lots of wonderful things happening. I think WrestleMania is on today too? THE ROCK! CENATION! Oh!!!! Anyway, have a fun rest of the weekend. Thanks a bunch to all the bands on this episode and the previous ones too. Thanks for sharing with your friends! Thanks to all the labels as well! And thank YOU for taking time out of your day to listen to these episodes, and thanks a bunch to those who download these shows as well. I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as I do. It's a blast putting these together. Cheers! And as always, thanks for listening.
- EPISODE #47 is now a Go! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
April Fools Day! It's no joke, there's an a new episode here! I don't think April Fools Day and a Sunday really coincide together, lol. If you're going to pull a prank, be safe, be gentle, and have fun. A lot of things happening this month. First of all, it's Jazz Appreciation Month, did you know that? I think there's a Portland Jazz Festival that happens, which I would assume on an annual basis, and there's always jazz being played in a restaurant or lounge there too, which is awesome. I think it's a bit scarce here on the islands, but people do play it. Jazz tunes with a ukulele is pretty cool to listen to. I remember during middle school looking up to the people that played in the school Jazz bands. These were the elite of the elite and of course, first chair Wind Ensemble players. Also, this month has Record Store Day. Go out and support your local record stores! And I say support your local and independent, small mom and pop record labels as well :-D
I have another ska fun-filled show! On today's episode is a really tight track from Black Square from theirOnward album. I think they may have taken a break from playing shows, or they just don't have any lined up any time soon. Their last show was at the beginning of March. I had countless times to check them out this year, even attending one at The Venue (the place is called The Venue, like the one in Boise, and I'm sure at tons of other places). I left that one early just because I got tired standing there in between sets and drinking PBR by my all lonesome self. I at least got to check out Never Enough's set as well as False Crack. Really tight bands. Also on the show is a track from Las Vegas locals, Tuesday After School. They will be playing at Viva Ska Vegas (check out the website HERE) along with some other awesome bands on Saturday, April 28 in Las Vegas. The kick-off party looks like it will be a fun show too. Playing at that one are The Flatliners, Hardpipe Hitters, Everyone Meltdown, and a bunch of others. I would be going to this if I were still up there. For real. And speaking of cool shows, Codename: Rocky will be playing a reunion show on June 30 at The Glass House in Pamona, California. Check out details for that show HERE. I play the song, My Boss Sucks, from No Time To Waste. I love the music video for that song (check that out HERE). And also from California, originally from Mexico City, is Nino Zombi. They play really excellent punk-ska and I absolutely love the trombone lines on their songs. Check them out on the 10 Days Strong Mixtape compilation on Bandcamp HERE released by Riot Ska and Unknown Records. They just played a show last night and have a few others in the coming weeks (check out their Facebook HERE for details). Hope to hear some new tunes from this band. And finally, closing the episode is a new track from Ghetto Blaster. Last year they released a promo for their album, Think For Yourself, with only four songs. They recently released the remainder of that, with eleven songs total. I think it's an excellent album and you should check it out if you get a chance.
Lots of wonderful things happening. I think WrestleMania is on today too? THE ROCK! CENATION! Oh!!!! Anyway, have a fun rest of the weekend. Thanks a bunch to all the bands on this episode and the previous ones too. Thanks for sharing with your friends! Thanks to all the labels as well! And thank YOU for taking time out of your day to listen to these episodes, and thanks a bunch to those who download these shows as well. I hope you enjoy listening to them as much as I do. It's a blast putting these together. Cheers! And as always, thanks for listening.
April 11, 2012
- EPISODE #48 is ready for any and all ears! Download the episode HERE or listen to the episode HERE.
Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend and a First Friday as well. It's funny how the two fell on the same weekend. Next week, one of the movie theaters in town will be playing Spaceballs. And I mean, SPACEBALLS THE MOVIE! I shall be attending with my SPACEBALLS THE T-SHIRT t-shirt (if I can get one by the showing) after eating some SPACEBALLS THE CEREAL. Definitely my favorite Mel Brooks movie. It will be my first Mel Brooks film in theaters as well as my first John Candy movie and Rick Moranis movie. I saw Bill Pullman in Independence Day. I love that movie (Steve, this is a wedding ring). Yeah, yeah, I could watch this thing at home and for $5, if I decide to pick up a copy of it at Wal-Mart or something (I wonder if a movie of that caliber has made it to a $5 bin of DVDs). Movies are meant to be watched in theaters. And that's with a couple bags of gummy worms, a nice sized portion of buttery popcorn, and maybe a box of Butterfingers and raspberry iced-tea. I watched Sin City in Canada in one of those huge imax type theaters, with Burger King. Bad idea. I tried it once though. Never Again!
Today's episode features some pretty sweet punk and hardcore tunes. On the show again is a track byVultures United. It's the title track from their, To Live and Die in Gainesville, 7" (check out what I had to say about that record HERE). They've been playing shows on and off, staying pretty active. One of these days I'm going to see this band. I'll make that a priority. And I for sure can't wait till they finally release their Girls EP. Very curious to hear the final product, but I know it'll be an excellent EP. How do I know? I believe. You must believe, boy, you must believe (a little Last Crusade for ya). Another familiar appearance on the show is a track from Act As One. Those guys just released a new album, The Goodtimes. I heard bits and pieces of it, sounds great from what I've heard so far. But they did release a music video for one of the songs on the album, The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday, a little whiles back. They did play a last show, but then later got back together. I'm very glad this happened. I also play a track from El Enemigo, a local band here from the islands. Originally from the Big Island, members relocated to Oahu. They played a really tight mix of punk, reggae and hardcore. Very excellent stuff. I had the good fortune to catch a set of theirs during this Battle of the Bands finals. Very energetic set. I think they stopped playing sometime in 2003. But I'm glad I was able to snag a copy of their Monday Night Live set while the members were still actively playing music or what not (they might still be?). This was a while ago too, during my years in La Grande. Also on the show is a track by Drones. Really excellent punk and hardcore band from the UK. Very thrashy vocals, aggressive punk and always fast. Check out one of their music videos HERE. It's for the song,Shells Fall, Pins Pulled. Excellent song. And finally, the closing track on the episode comes from Almeida, a progressive thrash band from the UK as well. They released a new album, Fantastic Massacre, early in the year. Now this is an album to check out. The album is heavy with guitar solos and leads. The drumming is really tight too, from blast beats and powerful breakdowns to fast punk chops and double-pedal action. Loads of harmony in the vocals and some smooth basslines do make this album worth checking out. For real. Listen to a tune on theepisode. Go, now!
If you came by on Sunday for a new episode and found none, I apologize!. Thanks for checking :-D that means a lot! But it's here now! And thank you so much for stopping by. Please enjoy the tunes on the episode. Really, these are some pretty rad bands. If you want to check out what else I'm listening to at the moment or other random stuff, you can of course read about it on my blog HERE. Have a good rest of the week! Stay healthy. And thanks for listening!
- EPISODE #48 is ready for any and all ears! Download the episode HERE or listen to the episode HERE.
Hope everyone had a good Easter weekend and a First Friday as well. It's funny how the two fell on the same weekend. Next week, one of the movie theaters in town will be playing Spaceballs. And I mean, SPACEBALLS THE MOVIE! I shall be attending with my SPACEBALLS THE T-SHIRT t-shirt (if I can get one by the showing) after eating some SPACEBALLS THE CEREAL. Definitely my favorite Mel Brooks movie. It will be my first Mel Brooks film in theaters as well as my first John Candy movie and Rick Moranis movie. I saw Bill Pullman in Independence Day. I love that movie (Steve, this is a wedding ring). Yeah, yeah, I could watch this thing at home and for $5, if I decide to pick up a copy of it at Wal-Mart or something (I wonder if a movie of that caliber has made it to a $5 bin of DVDs). Movies are meant to be watched in theaters. And that's with a couple bags of gummy worms, a nice sized portion of buttery popcorn, and maybe a box of Butterfingers and raspberry iced-tea. I watched Sin City in Canada in one of those huge imax type theaters, with Burger King. Bad idea. I tried it once though. Never Again!
Today's episode features some pretty sweet punk and hardcore tunes. On the show again is a track byVultures United. It's the title track from their, To Live and Die in Gainesville, 7" (check out what I had to say about that record HERE). They've been playing shows on and off, staying pretty active. One of these days I'm going to see this band. I'll make that a priority. And I for sure can't wait till they finally release their Girls EP. Very curious to hear the final product, but I know it'll be an excellent EP. How do I know? I believe. You must believe, boy, you must believe (a little Last Crusade for ya). Another familiar appearance on the show is a track from Act As One. Those guys just released a new album, The Goodtimes. I heard bits and pieces of it, sounds great from what I've heard so far. But they did release a music video for one of the songs on the album, The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday, a little whiles back. They did play a last show, but then later got back together. I'm very glad this happened. I also play a track from El Enemigo, a local band here from the islands. Originally from the Big Island, members relocated to Oahu. They played a really tight mix of punk, reggae and hardcore. Very excellent stuff. I had the good fortune to catch a set of theirs during this Battle of the Bands finals. Very energetic set. I think they stopped playing sometime in 2003. But I'm glad I was able to snag a copy of their Monday Night Live set while the members were still actively playing music or what not (they might still be?). This was a while ago too, during my years in La Grande. Also on the show is a track by Drones. Really excellent punk and hardcore band from the UK. Very thrashy vocals, aggressive punk and always fast. Check out one of their music videos HERE. It's for the song,Shells Fall, Pins Pulled. Excellent song. And finally, the closing track on the episode comes from Almeida, a progressive thrash band from the UK as well. They released a new album, Fantastic Massacre, early in the year. Now this is an album to check out. The album is heavy with guitar solos and leads. The drumming is really tight too, from blast beats and powerful breakdowns to fast punk chops and double-pedal action. Loads of harmony in the vocals and some smooth basslines do make this album worth checking out. For real. Listen to a tune on theepisode. Go, now!
If you came by on Sunday for a new episode and found none, I apologize!. Thanks for checking :-D that means a lot! But it's here now! And thank you so much for stopping by. Please enjoy the tunes on the episode. Really, these are some pretty rad bands. If you want to check out what else I'm listening to at the moment or other random stuff, you can of course read about it on my blog HERE. Have a good rest of the week! Stay healthy. And thanks for listening!
April 20, 2012
- EPISODE #49 is awesome and you should listen to it now! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
Thank god, it's Friday! Well, that doesn't mean I have the day off or anything special going on today. There might be a couple shows going on tonight. I fell asleep early last night. Early as in 11. I think I had too much Chinese food and cake. Delicious stuff. Really. Any one doing anything for Record Store Day? In Portland, there were only two places I would go to, Music Millennium and Everyday Music. Lots of specials there. I'd pass by a couple other small shops, but never took the time to check it out. In Las Vegas...well there was Zia. Both locations. Barely went to the one...I think it was on Sahara? All the waaaaaaay West. The crosswalks there were a bit shadey. No one stopped for anyone. It seemed the roads would get wider too. Kind of like the road here going to Pali Hwy. I'd never cross the street here at night. Be sure to equip yourself with a bunch of flashlights and an extra bright highlight-colored shirt. But should be cool. I hear a member from Pearl Jam will be here in town. Happy Record Store Day!
On today's episode, I have a nice mix of tracks. Some a bit more experimental then others, and couple that are straight forward, but equally awesome tracks. I revisit some Jr. Worship and Oh No Joe on the episode. I play another track from Jr. Worship's, We Win!, record. If you're in the Portland area, they've been playing shows here and there, I think their last one was at the ending of March. I play a track from Oh No Joe's album, I'm Just Sayin'. Right now, they have a new track streaming on their Reverbnation page (check it out HERE), titled, Sex Machine. One of the dudes in Oh No Joe also has a radio show, Pure Rock for Now People, that he does on Wednesday's. Check that out HERE. Also on the show, I'd like to introduce is, run, Walk! An excellent bass and drum duo from the UK that tear it up on every song. Pretty intense noise rock from these two, very creative, and loud. Can't wait to hear more new stuff from these guys. I also play a track from Now Denial, a hardcore rock band from Lowell, Massachusetts. These guys just made 10 years as a band on April 4. That's a really long time for any band and they've done a lot since then, considering the amount of releases they have. They're currently working on some jams. And closing the show is a track from Stolas, a fairly new band from Las Vegas, Nevada, featuring members of a few other local Las Vegas projects. Really excellent tunes from these guys. Check out their new EP, Losing Wings, on their Bandcamp HERE.
Enjoy this week's playlist. Be sure to check out these bands (more info and links on the bands HERE) and their music, or better yet, attend one of their shows! If you happen to be in the area that is :-D Have a good weekend everyone! Support local music and your local record shop! I say check out some small independent labels as well, and order a record or two from them. A lot of them out there. I'm not a vinyl junkie, but sometimes there's some specials out there that I can't pass up lol. Check back again. I'll be 50 episodes into this podcast sooooon. And as always, thanks for listening! :-D
- EPISODE #49 is awesome and you should listen to it now! Download the episode HERE or listen to it HERE
Thank god, it's Friday! Well, that doesn't mean I have the day off or anything special going on today. There might be a couple shows going on tonight. I fell asleep early last night. Early as in 11. I think I had too much Chinese food and cake. Delicious stuff. Really. Any one doing anything for Record Store Day? In Portland, there were only two places I would go to, Music Millennium and Everyday Music. Lots of specials there. I'd pass by a couple other small shops, but never took the time to check it out. In Las Vegas...well there was Zia. Both locations. Barely went to the one...I think it was on Sahara? All the waaaaaaay West. The crosswalks there were a bit shadey. No one stopped for anyone. It seemed the roads would get wider too. Kind of like the road here going to Pali Hwy. I'd never cross the street here at night. Be sure to equip yourself with a bunch of flashlights and an extra bright highlight-colored shirt. But should be cool. I hear a member from Pearl Jam will be here in town. Happy Record Store Day!
On today's episode, I have a nice mix of tracks. Some a bit more experimental then others, and couple that are straight forward, but equally awesome tracks. I revisit some Jr. Worship and Oh No Joe on the episode. I play another track from Jr. Worship's, We Win!, record. If you're in the Portland area, they've been playing shows here and there, I think their last one was at the ending of March. I play a track from Oh No Joe's album, I'm Just Sayin'. Right now, they have a new track streaming on their Reverbnation page (check it out HERE), titled, Sex Machine. One of the dudes in Oh No Joe also has a radio show, Pure Rock for Now People, that he does on Wednesday's. Check that out HERE. Also on the show, I'd like to introduce is, run, Walk! An excellent bass and drum duo from the UK that tear it up on every song. Pretty intense noise rock from these two, very creative, and loud. Can't wait to hear more new stuff from these guys. I also play a track from Now Denial, a hardcore rock band from Lowell, Massachusetts. These guys just made 10 years as a band on April 4. That's a really long time for any band and they've done a lot since then, considering the amount of releases they have. They're currently working on some jams. And closing the show is a track from Stolas, a fairly new band from Las Vegas, Nevada, featuring members of a few other local Las Vegas projects. Really excellent tunes from these guys. Check out their new EP, Losing Wings, on their Bandcamp HERE.
Enjoy this week's playlist. Be sure to check out these bands (more info and links on the bands HERE) and their music, or better yet, attend one of their shows! If you happen to be in the area that is :-D Have a good weekend everyone! Support local music and your local record shop! I say check out some small independent labels as well, and order a record or two from them. A lot of them out there. I'm not a vinyl junkie, but sometimes there's some specials out there that I can't pass up lol. Check back again. I'll be 50 episodes into this podcast sooooon. And as always, thanks for listening! :-D
May 03, 2012
- EPISODE #50 is here in it's double-sized special edition format. Download the episode HERE or listen to it along with other episodes HERE.
I keep thinking of comics when it comes to the significance of a 50th release of something. 50 issues is a lot, I think that would be the same along the lines of a 100th episode of a tv show. That's quite the achievement considering you're well into the 5th season of a show. But yeah, 50 episodes is a lot, and I'm pretty stoked to have made it this far. I actually released this episode a few days ago through HERE. So if you're a regular subscriber, you probably caught it all ready. If not, please subscribe to the podcast through iTunes then :-D
A couple weekends ago was Record Store Day. Did anyone pick up anything cool? I was only able to pick up a few things online. It was a busy day at work, I had coffee with a friend, at Starbucks on Ward. Nice place. Nice talk. We met up with a couple other friends and watched Kung Pow. Damn that movie is funny. But I'm pretty sure it's not for everyone. I remember watching it in theaters and it was pretty much quiet for most of the time. Hard to laugh when you're the only one laughing. Other than that, I did get a few things in the mail recently.
So for this episode, I wanted to make it a special show with some additional tunes. Ten songs by 10 awesome bands released by some pretty rad independent labels. Lots of new music on this podcast. Opening the episode is a tune from The Credentials, from Boston. These guys stopped playing a little bit ago, and according to their website, played a last show in March. The tune comes off a split with Seattle Washington's, Steelhorse, released by Credentials band members' own labels, Mindless Records and Rad Girlfriend Records. Also on the show are a couple tracks from some PUNK ROCK BOWLING participants. BroLoaf, from Scottsdale, Arizona, will be playing the closing party at PBR on Monday, May 28. They released their debut, Champions On Parade, through Stomping Ground Records last year. It's the same label with and ran by members of, Casket Life. PBR should be a good time. Also playing at PBR will be Toys that Kill. I believe they are playing on the same day, earlier though, on the outside stage with Hot Water Music, 7 Seconds, Pennywise and others. Would love to check out this year's PBR, I'd definitely go see Hepcat, Street Dogs, The Seriouslys, Holding Onto Sound, and Vermin. Aggrolites are playing too. I wouldn't be bowling though. I'm pretty bad. But I think J. Miller at Hawaiian Express is putting together a team to participate. Hope they do. That'd be really fun. I know Hawaiian Express is one of the sponsors of PBR which is awesome. So I decided to play on this show another local Hawaii band, Grapefruit. Love these guys. I was lucky to see them once when they opened for Green Day in '98. Nimrod had just come out. I'd say that'd be my second favorite Green Day album. So far I have a tie for the number one spot. But I hope to see Grapefruit again one of these days. Also on this episode is a track from The Quitters, a local punk rock Las Vegas four-piece. Really sweet punk rock from these guys. I wish I had the chance to catch one of their shows while I was in Vegas. But if you happen to be in Vegas on May 17, be sure to check out their show at The Double Down Saloon. Shows are free there unless they say otherwise I think and the Dirty Panties will be playing as well. Check out the details of the show HERE. On the previous EPISODE, I played some Now Denial, a split with fellow Boston band,Get Laid. The split is titled, Hungrier than the Wolf, released through Get Young Records. On this show, I play the other side of that split, Get Laid. They recently been nominated for a Boston Phoenix Award for Best Punk/Hardcore Act alongside Havenots, Now Denial, Radio Control, Reports, and The Clippers. Check it out and vote HERE. They will also be playing at Now Denial's 10 Year anniversary show. Details about that can be foundHERE. Another local Boston band on the show has members of Toxic Narcotic and Mouth Sewn Shut, Opposition Rising. Some really excellent punk rock. They released their debut, Aftermathematics, in late December on digital format, and at the beginning of the year on vinyl as a split release with several other labels. They will be embarking on a West Coast Tour at the end of the month. If you get a chance to see these guys live, DO IT! I can only assume that it will be amazing. Check out where they'll be stopping at HERE. A couple of other new bands on the podcast from the other side of the world are Laughing in the Face Of and Only Fumes and Corpses, both part of the Lockjaw Records family. Both excellent. Laughing in the Face of are from the UK with a pretty tight metal-fused punk style. A new song from them will be played on Kerrang! Radio on May 7th. I've never heard anything on that radio show, but it'd be cool to check it out. Only Fumes and Corpses come from Galway, Ireland. Really nice brand of hardcore. But they got a few surprises on some select tracks on their album, Who Really Cares, What Really Lasts. They also have a new EP out and a second one to be released in May. Check out a track from the EP, Selfish Act I HERE. And lastly, closing the episode is track from The Banner. It comes from their 2005 album, Every Breath Haunted, which was re-released on vinyl format through Melotov Records this year. Pick up a copy from the e-store HERE. It's amazing. They will also be releasing more new material soon.
That is all for EPISODE #50. Thank you again for stopping by and checking out these episodes. Enjoy the music. Support the bands and labels. Support local music! Feel free to tell a friend about this podcast. Your new favorite band could be on one of these episodes :-D Have a good rest of the week everyone! Thanks to all the bands and record labels and whoever is listening out there. And lastly, thanks for listening :-D
- EPISODE #50 is here in it's double-sized special edition format. Download the episode HERE or listen to it along with other episodes HERE.
I keep thinking of comics when it comes to the significance of a 50th release of something. 50 issues is a lot, I think that would be the same along the lines of a 100th episode of a tv show. That's quite the achievement considering you're well into the 5th season of a show. But yeah, 50 episodes is a lot, and I'm pretty stoked to have made it this far. I actually released this episode a few days ago through HERE. So if you're a regular subscriber, you probably caught it all ready. If not, please subscribe to the podcast through iTunes then :-D
A couple weekends ago was Record Store Day. Did anyone pick up anything cool? I was only able to pick up a few things online. It was a busy day at work, I had coffee with a friend, at Starbucks on Ward. Nice place. Nice talk. We met up with a couple other friends and watched Kung Pow. Damn that movie is funny. But I'm pretty sure it's not for everyone. I remember watching it in theaters and it was pretty much quiet for most of the time. Hard to laugh when you're the only one laughing. Other than that, I did get a few things in the mail recently.
So for this episode, I wanted to make it a special show with some additional tunes. Ten songs by 10 awesome bands released by some pretty rad independent labels. Lots of new music on this podcast. Opening the episode is a tune from The Credentials, from Boston. These guys stopped playing a little bit ago, and according to their website, played a last show in March. The tune comes off a split with Seattle Washington's, Steelhorse, released by Credentials band members' own labels, Mindless Records and Rad Girlfriend Records. Also on the show are a couple tracks from some PUNK ROCK BOWLING participants. BroLoaf, from Scottsdale, Arizona, will be playing the closing party at PBR on Monday, May 28. They released their debut, Champions On Parade, through Stomping Ground Records last year. It's the same label with and ran by members of, Casket Life. PBR should be a good time. Also playing at PBR will be Toys that Kill. I believe they are playing on the same day, earlier though, on the outside stage with Hot Water Music, 7 Seconds, Pennywise and others. Would love to check out this year's PBR, I'd definitely go see Hepcat, Street Dogs, The Seriouslys, Holding Onto Sound, and Vermin. Aggrolites are playing too. I wouldn't be bowling though. I'm pretty bad. But I think J. Miller at Hawaiian Express is putting together a team to participate. Hope they do. That'd be really fun. I know Hawaiian Express is one of the sponsors of PBR which is awesome. So I decided to play on this show another local Hawaii band, Grapefruit. Love these guys. I was lucky to see them once when they opened for Green Day in '98. Nimrod had just come out. I'd say that'd be my second favorite Green Day album. So far I have a tie for the number one spot. But I hope to see Grapefruit again one of these days. Also on this episode is a track from The Quitters, a local punk rock Las Vegas four-piece. Really sweet punk rock from these guys. I wish I had the chance to catch one of their shows while I was in Vegas. But if you happen to be in Vegas on May 17, be sure to check out their show at The Double Down Saloon. Shows are free there unless they say otherwise I think and the Dirty Panties will be playing as well. Check out the details of the show HERE. On the previous EPISODE, I played some Now Denial, a split with fellow Boston band,Get Laid. The split is titled, Hungrier than the Wolf, released through Get Young Records. On this show, I play the other side of that split, Get Laid. They recently been nominated for a Boston Phoenix Award for Best Punk/Hardcore Act alongside Havenots, Now Denial, Radio Control, Reports, and The Clippers. Check it out and vote HERE. They will also be playing at Now Denial's 10 Year anniversary show. Details about that can be foundHERE. Another local Boston band on the show has members of Toxic Narcotic and Mouth Sewn Shut, Opposition Rising. Some really excellent punk rock. They released their debut, Aftermathematics, in late December on digital format, and at the beginning of the year on vinyl as a split release with several other labels. They will be embarking on a West Coast Tour at the end of the month. If you get a chance to see these guys live, DO IT! I can only assume that it will be amazing. Check out where they'll be stopping at HERE. A couple of other new bands on the podcast from the other side of the world are Laughing in the Face Of and Only Fumes and Corpses, both part of the Lockjaw Records family. Both excellent. Laughing in the Face of are from the UK with a pretty tight metal-fused punk style. A new song from them will be played on Kerrang! Radio on May 7th. I've never heard anything on that radio show, but it'd be cool to check it out. Only Fumes and Corpses come from Galway, Ireland. Really nice brand of hardcore. But they got a few surprises on some select tracks on their album, Who Really Cares, What Really Lasts. They also have a new EP out and a second one to be released in May. Check out a track from the EP, Selfish Act I HERE. And lastly, closing the episode is track from The Banner. It comes from their 2005 album, Every Breath Haunted, which was re-released on vinyl format through Melotov Records this year. Pick up a copy from the e-store HERE. It's amazing. They will also be releasing more new material soon.
That is all for EPISODE #50. Thank you again for stopping by and checking out these episodes. Enjoy the music. Support the bands and labels. Support local music! Feel free to tell a friend about this podcast. Your new favorite band could be on one of these episodes :-D Have a good rest of the week everyone! Thanks to all the bands and record labels and whoever is listening out there. And lastly, thanks for listening :-D
May 20, 2012
- EPISODE #51 is tuned up and ready to play! Download the episode HERE or listen to it with some of the other recent past episodes HERE.
Well, I think it's safe to say it's summer time here on the island. The UH graduation happened recently, much congrats to all the new graduates. And of course, all the new graduates on the mainland too. I have a friend that's now a nurse. Another one that graduated in Economics. Life is good. It's also starting to get hot here too. I think it only rained once in the past week. And now I hear Summertime by Will Smith (he didn't really slap that reporter, more like, a baby slap...well, it didn't sound that bad at all) and some Dove Shack on the radio (I'm smothering, real sweet barbecue sauce). Nice jams. Old school jams...so they say on the radio. But that also means lots of tours, festivals, and shows, shows, shows! I got to attend Once a Month Punk last night. I enjoyed it. A fight broke out. I don't know why it happened. I had a few PBR's. A few excellent PBR's. Oh how I've missed you. Good bands played, enjoyed all their sets, but didn't get to stay for the entire thing. Ended up at Zippy's again. I've been eating there a lot lately, well, more than usual. I love the specials there.
On this weeks playlist, I play some newly found music and I'll be revisiting a band that's been on previous episodes. Charlie Brown Gets A Valentine opens the show. Love their tunes. They've been been inactive for sometime (since 2004), but I'm glad their music is still available. So far I've seen it only digitally on iTunes. Don't know anywhere that might carry hard copies of it. On this episode, I have a track from Ninjas With Syringes off of their first album, Premature. Some really nice, simple, pop-punk, stuff from their early days. Well, it was only 2008 when it was released, but I think they've grown a lot since then (from what I hear from album to album). They should be hitting the road this summer and hopefully playing lots of shows outside of Oregon as per their new transportation via Kickstarter. It should be a swell time. MailboxBaseball, from Queens, New York, is on the episode, with a track from their newest EP, Back in a Hurricane. Some really nice punk-pop and a bit of ska from this trio. They have a show coming up in the Brooklyn area. Check out details for that if you want to atttend, HERE. Their EP is also available for free download on Bandcamp HERE. Also on the show, from the other side of the world (from where I'm at) is Aintuse, from Austria. Excellent skate and tech punk from these guys. They released their debut, The Morons of Truth, through Lockjaw Records. It's a great 10 tracks just under 25 minutes. And closing the episode is a new track from Light Years, from Kent, Ohio. They have a new EP out titled, Just Between Us, available along with their previous release through Escapist Records (check it out on Bandcamp HERE). They will be going on a summer tour with Turnover and Citizen. It looks like it will be about six weeks, cross country, beginning and ending in their home state of Ohio. Check out details on their Facebook HERE.
Punk Rock Bowling will be happening this upcoming weekend. That should be a lot of fun. Opposition Rising will be on tour as well. Be sure to check them out on the previous episode HERE. Lots of cool shows happening next month here on the island. Black Square's 10 year Anniversary show with Go Jimmy Go and others. And also Knumbskulls. That should be the show to check out this year. 1x5x
I've seen a recent surge in downloads for this podcast. Thank you to all the wonderful people downloading and checking out these episodes. Hope you're enjoying the music of these hard working bands. Support local music and your local scene. Let's do coffee sometime? Or sushi. I'm down for both on the same day. Hit me up :-D Have a good week everyone! Enjoy your summer! And this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend! Thanks for stopping by! And as always, thanks for listening!
- EPISODE #51 is tuned up and ready to play! Download the episode HERE or listen to it with some of the other recent past episodes HERE.
Well, I think it's safe to say it's summer time here on the island. The UH graduation happened recently, much congrats to all the new graduates. And of course, all the new graduates on the mainland too. I have a friend that's now a nurse. Another one that graduated in Economics. Life is good. It's also starting to get hot here too. I think it only rained once in the past week. And now I hear Summertime by Will Smith (he didn't really slap that reporter, more like, a baby slap...well, it didn't sound that bad at all) and some Dove Shack on the radio (I'm smothering, real sweet barbecue sauce). Nice jams. Old school jams...so they say on the radio. But that also means lots of tours, festivals, and shows, shows, shows! I got to attend Once a Month Punk last night. I enjoyed it. A fight broke out. I don't know why it happened. I had a few PBR's. A few excellent PBR's. Oh how I've missed you. Good bands played, enjoyed all their sets, but didn't get to stay for the entire thing. Ended up at Zippy's again. I've been eating there a lot lately, well, more than usual. I love the specials there.
On this weeks playlist, I play some newly found music and I'll be revisiting a band that's been on previous episodes. Charlie Brown Gets A Valentine opens the show. Love their tunes. They've been been inactive for sometime (since 2004), but I'm glad their music is still available. So far I've seen it only digitally on iTunes. Don't know anywhere that might carry hard copies of it. On this episode, I have a track from Ninjas With Syringes off of their first album, Premature. Some really nice, simple, pop-punk, stuff from their early days. Well, it was only 2008 when it was released, but I think they've grown a lot since then (from what I hear from album to album). They should be hitting the road this summer and hopefully playing lots of shows outside of Oregon as per their new transportation via Kickstarter. It should be a swell time. MailboxBaseball, from Queens, New York, is on the episode, with a track from their newest EP, Back in a Hurricane. Some really nice punk-pop and a bit of ska from this trio. They have a show coming up in the Brooklyn area. Check out details for that if you want to atttend, HERE. Their EP is also available for free download on Bandcamp HERE. Also on the show, from the other side of the world (from where I'm at) is Aintuse, from Austria. Excellent skate and tech punk from these guys. They released their debut, The Morons of Truth, through Lockjaw Records. It's a great 10 tracks just under 25 minutes. And closing the episode is a new track from Light Years, from Kent, Ohio. They have a new EP out titled, Just Between Us, available along with their previous release through Escapist Records (check it out on Bandcamp HERE). They will be going on a summer tour with Turnover and Citizen. It looks like it will be about six weeks, cross country, beginning and ending in their home state of Ohio. Check out details on their Facebook HERE.
Punk Rock Bowling will be happening this upcoming weekend. That should be a lot of fun. Opposition Rising will be on tour as well. Be sure to check them out on the previous episode HERE. Lots of cool shows happening next month here on the island. Black Square's 10 year Anniversary show with Go Jimmy Go and others. And also Knumbskulls. That should be the show to check out this year. 1x5x
I've seen a recent surge in downloads for this podcast. Thank you to all the wonderful people downloading and checking out these episodes. Hope you're enjoying the music of these hard working bands. Support local music and your local scene. Let's do coffee sometime? Or sushi. I'm down for both on the same day. Hit me up :-D Have a good week everyone! Enjoy your summer! And this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend! Thanks for stopping by! And as always, thanks for listening!
May 28, 2012
- EPISODE #52 has arrived! Download the episode HERE or listen to it along with some other pervious episodes HERE.
Hope every one is having a good Memorial Day weekend and spending it with family and friends. I think school is officially done, well, for students anyway...congrats to the class of 2012! I know a couple High Schools had their graduation ceremonies this week. Post-High School? Should be an excellent, fun, if not, challenging ride from here on out. Really, it is. Enjoy it. My High School reunion was last night too. Didn't make it. Well, a couple friends weren't planning on going and another couldn't make it. I did see pictures though. And I think a couple people are still hungover...or drunk? Lol. Looks like everyone had an excellent time. Hope to attend the next one. For sure although, a lot can happen in 10 years. And I'm guessing the next 10 would see lots of changes for everyone. It would be cool to see old friends and such though. But if not, it's a good thing Facebook is around.
On this weeks playlist, I have a nice set of heavier tunes from some tight up and coming bands. Opening the show is a track from Weak Teeth from Rhode Island. Excellent hardcore, very fast and aggressive, and pissed-off. I heard these guys while checking out Flannel Gurl Records (they are also going to be releasing Seasons from Citycop). They also recently released a b-side from their latest, What a Plague You Are, as part of the Tor Johnson 10 Year Annivesary compilation. Check it out on their Bandcamp HERE. Following them on the show is Strike to Survive from Santa Rosa, California. I first heard of these guys through a Get Young Records sampler. Some rather fast hardcore punk and some thrash. They have two EP's out and can be streamed and picked up through their Bandcamp HERE. Also on the show is Ultima Victima from Mexico, with a track from their latest EP, Muertes Sin Razon. Glad to hear these guys are currently active and still playing shows. Tight aggressive hardcore with some brutal breakdowns and the like. Listen to more of their tunes from Panda Claw Records HERE. There are other cool bands on that label too. The band also has a show coming up on June 23. Check out more details about that show on their Facebook HERE. Calculator, from Califonia also have a show on July 30 (check out details HERE). I play a tune from their LP, These Roots Grow Deep, which is available through Melotov Records HERE. Very fun band to listen to, very experimental type of punk. This weeks featured track comes from No Contest, from their debut, What's Past Is Prologue. They're a four-piece from England. Very fast and straight-forward hardcore punk. The new material from these guys sound great. Very nice follow-up to their EP, Static Motion.
Some great tunes from these bands. Please be sure to check out their respecitve websites and labels (check it out HERE). Thanks again to everyone visiting the website and downloading episodes. Feel free to subscribe to the podcast through iTunes. And tell a friend about the show! Also, this podcast will be turning two-years-old soon...on June 19 to be exact. Something in the works? Yes. Just more music :-D New music. Have a good day! Stay Safe! Use today to take some time to remember those who have fallen and spend it with those that are still around. Peace.
- EPISODE #52 has arrived! Download the episode HERE or listen to it along with some other pervious episodes HERE.
Hope every one is having a good Memorial Day weekend and spending it with family and friends. I think school is officially done, well, for students anyway...congrats to the class of 2012! I know a couple High Schools had their graduation ceremonies this week. Post-High School? Should be an excellent, fun, if not, challenging ride from here on out. Really, it is. Enjoy it. My High School reunion was last night too. Didn't make it. Well, a couple friends weren't planning on going and another couldn't make it. I did see pictures though. And I think a couple people are still hungover...or drunk? Lol. Looks like everyone had an excellent time. Hope to attend the next one. For sure although, a lot can happen in 10 years. And I'm guessing the next 10 would see lots of changes for everyone. It would be cool to see old friends and such though. But if not, it's a good thing Facebook is around.
On this weeks playlist, I have a nice set of heavier tunes from some tight up and coming bands. Opening the show is a track from Weak Teeth from Rhode Island. Excellent hardcore, very fast and aggressive, and pissed-off. I heard these guys while checking out Flannel Gurl Records (they are also going to be releasing Seasons from Citycop). They also recently released a b-side from their latest, What a Plague You Are, as part of the Tor Johnson 10 Year Annivesary compilation. Check it out on their Bandcamp HERE. Following them on the show is Strike to Survive from Santa Rosa, California. I first heard of these guys through a Get Young Records sampler. Some rather fast hardcore punk and some thrash. They have two EP's out and can be streamed and picked up through their Bandcamp HERE. Also on the show is Ultima Victima from Mexico, with a track from their latest EP, Muertes Sin Razon. Glad to hear these guys are currently active and still playing shows. Tight aggressive hardcore with some brutal breakdowns and the like. Listen to more of their tunes from Panda Claw Records HERE. There are other cool bands on that label too. The band also has a show coming up on June 23. Check out more details about that show on their Facebook HERE. Calculator, from Califonia also have a show on July 30 (check out details HERE). I play a tune from their LP, These Roots Grow Deep, which is available through Melotov Records HERE. Very fun band to listen to, very experimental type of punk. This weeks featured track comes from No Contest, from their debut, What's Past Is Prologue. They're a four-piece from England. Very fast and straight-forward hardcore punk. The new material from these guys sound great. Very nice follow-up to their EP, Static Motion.
Some great tunes from these bands. Please be sure to check out their respecitve websites and labels (check it out HERE). Thanks again to everyone visiting the website and downloading episodes. Feel free to subscribe to the podcast through iTunes. And tell a friend about the show! Also, this podcast will be turning two-years-old soon...on June 19 to be exact. Something in the works? Yes. Just more music :-D New music. Have a good day! Stay Safe! Use today to take some time to remember those who have fallen and spend it with those that are still around. Peace.
June 04, 2012
- EPISODE #53 has been carefully uploaded and is now in full swing! Download the episode HERE or listen to it and a bunch more recent episodes HERE.
Well, it's all ready June. It's official. Summer is here. No real change in my schedule or anything. Not until the fall. Then it might be a crazier schedule. I'll see. I'm really excited for this week though. Prometheus opens up in theaters. I think it's this week? I'll go, even if it's by myself, midnight on a Thursday, whatever. I'm watching this movie on Premier Night. I've been an Aliens fan for as long as I can remember. I missed the opportunity to watch Alien 3 in theaters because the theater only opened on weekends where I was at during the time (the Big Island, Naalehu side, lovely town, really). It was an old theater. I had the experience of watching Ghost Dad, Beethoven, and White Men Can't Jump there. The theater still had the poster up for The Last Starfighter hanging. But I got to rent Alien 3 at Blockbuster. It was amazing. I did get to see Alien Resurrection in theaters though. And because my family had cable at the time, I got to see the hype on HBO before it hit theaters. Prometheus is going to rule. For real. Noomi Rapace, you have my heart. It'll be good no matter what.
This week features another excellent set of heavy music. I'm opening up with another tight track from MISTERMEANER. They will be playing this weekend on June 9 alongside The Sufferers, 86 List and GBH at Anna O'Briens. Should be an excellent show. GBH will be playing three shows this week, all at different venues. But the local bands playing will be worth checking out as well. On Thursday will be Superfuct, T.V. Microwave, and O.D.M. On Friday the show will have Pimpbot, Last Call, 13th Legion and The Quintessentials. Looking forward to the show. The last time I saw Mistermeaner was in 2003 at a Pennywise show with Generic. Been listening to them a lot the last couple years, so it's about time I see these guys again. HERE is a flier for the show, for you local listeners :-D Also on the show is MATAHARI from Boston. They have a really tight four song EP titled, Never the Same, which is up for nameyourprice on their Bandcamp HERE. Or pick it up through Get Young Records HERE. They'll be hitting the road in August with dates on the East Coast and select shows with Strike to Survive. They have some new tunes in the works too. TIDEMOUTH is on the show as well, with a track from their Melotov Records release, What I Meant To Say (listen to some tracks on Melotov Records' Bandcamp HERE). Really cool stuff from these guys. A bit more darker than the other bands on the show, but still a good listen. Definitely worth checking out. I also play another track from PORTRAIT OF THE ASSASSIN. Originally based in Boise, Idaho, members have relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota and will continue the band there. Hope they'll find some new members soon. Closing this week's show is REAL from Guadalajara, Mexico. Really excellent hardcore. They keep it fast and heavy and bring the mosh on every one of their songs. Their album, Gallo Negro, was released digitally in April from Panda Claw Records. Check it out HERE.
Be sure to check out these bands if they're playing in a town near you. Take the time. Upstanding Youth played their last show recently. Really great ska band from here on the island. Didn't make it to the show. At least I got to see them play once. With Buckshot Shorty. On the same night. Good times. See you at Mistermeaner? I hope so. Enjoy the music on this episode. Support local music! Much thanks to everyone that's checking out the show. And as always, thanks for listening!
- EPISODE #53 has been carefully uploaded and is now in full swing! Download the episode HERE or listen to it and a bunch more recent episodes HERE.
Well, it's all ready June. It's official. Summer is here. No real change in my schedule or anything. Not until the fall. Then it might be a crazier schedule. I'll see. I'm really excited for this week though. Prometheus opens up in theaters. I think it's this week? I'll go, even if it's by myself, midnight on a Thursday, whatever. I'm watching this movie on Premier Night. I've been an Aliens fan for as long as I can remember. I missed the opportunity to watch Alien 3 in theaters because the theater only opened on weekends where I was at during the time (the Big Island, Naalehu side, lovely town, really). It was an old theater. I had the experience of watching Ghost Dad, Beethoven, and White Men Can't Jump there. The theater still had the poster up for The Last Starfighter hanging. But I got to rent Alien 3 at Blockbuster. It was amazing. I did get to see Alien Resurrection in theaters though. And because my family had cable at the time, I got to see the hype on HBO before it hit theaters. Prometheus is going to rule. For real. Noomi Rapace, you have my heart. It'll be good no matter what.
This week features another excellent set of heavy music. I'm opening up with another tight track from MISTERMEANER. They will be playing this weekend on June 9 alongside The Sufferers, 86 List and GBH at Anna O'Briens. Should be an excellent show. GBH will be playing three shows this week, all at different venues. But the local bands playing will be worth checking out as well. On Thursday will be Superfuct, T.V. Microwave, and O.D.M. On Friday the show will have Pimpbot, Last Call, 13th Legion and The Quintessentials. Looking forward to the show. The last time I saw Mistermeaner was in 2003 at a Pennywise show with Generic. Been listening to them a lot the last couple years, so it's about time I see these guys again. HERE is a flier for the show, for you local listeners :-D Also on the show is MATAHARI from Boston. They have a really tight four song EP titled, Never the Same, which is up for nameyourprice on their Bandcamp HERE. Or pick it up through Get Young Records HERE. They'll be hitting the road in August with dates on the East Coast and select shows with Strike to Survive. They have some new tunes in the works too. TIDEMOUTH is on the show as well, with a track from their Melotov Records release, What I Meant To Say (listen to some tracks on Melotov Records' Bandcamp HERE). Really cool stuff from these guys. A bit more darker than the other bands on the show, but still a good listen. Definitely worth checking out. I also play another track from PORTRAIT OF THE ASSASSIN. Originally based in Boise, Idaho, members have relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota and will continue the band there. Hope they'll find some new members soon. Closing this week's show is REAL from Guadalajara, Mexico. Really excellent hardcore. They keep it fast and heavy and bring the mosh on every one of their songs. Their album, Gallo Negro, was released digitally in April from Panda Claw Records. Check it out HERE.
Be sure to check out these bands if they're playing in a town near you. Take the time. Upstanding Youth played their last show recently. Really great ska band from here on the island. Didn't make it to the show. At least I got to see them play once. With Buckshot Shorty. On the same night. Good times. See you at Mistermeaner? I hope so. Enjoy the music on this episode. Support local music! Much thanks to everyone that's checking out the show. And as always, thanks for listening!
June 11, 2012
- EPISODE #54 has been carefully prepared and now ready for your ears! Feel free to download the episode HERE or listen to it with some of the more recent past episodes HERE.
It's King Kamehameha Day on the islands. The festivities took place this past weekend. I heard traffic was going to be crazy, but I played it safe and stayed in. I think it's a state holiday, but I'm guessing everything will still be open and busy. I got to see Prometheus the past Thursday night. Premier night! And it was everything I hoped it would be. Amazing. I don't want to spoil it, but it did leave a lot of plot holes. It raised a number of questions as much as it answered (most importantly, the Space Jockey is somewhat cleared up, after 30 years!). I'm sure the story will continue in a couple more movies. It has to. Time to reconnect with some older movies and read up on some comics. This movie will probably break a few story lines on several Dark Horse titles.
On this episode, I have a nice mix of some hardcore, punk and pop tunes. I open up with a tune from Bust It!, a hardcore band from Connecticut. Really nice fast and aggressive hardcore. They have an EP out with Get Young Records and it's currently available for free download on their Bandcamp HERE. Also with a release from that label is Canvas the same state. But this four-piece play rock based tunes with a lot of pop hooks and sweet melodies. They have an LP out titled, Ashes, featuring eight songs which also includes a cover of the Bruce Springsteen song, Atlantic City. I take it back a little bit, and by taking it back, I mean for my generation? Some stuff from the past 10 years, it's not that old. I have tracks from Robot Eyes and The Pettyfords. Robot Eyes were a band that I saw back in the summer of 2005 at Awesome Fest in Portland, Oregon. Picked up their EP and been listening to them ever since. They released an album shortly after, Arret, but disbanded in 2007. The Pettyfords were a band I've been listening to for the longest time. Their Mmm...Pettyfords 7"was the third record I ever bought. Songs, Dreamboat and Tuesday, Thursday are probably my favorite tracks from them. But Aloha Means Goodbye is definitely one of my favorite albums ever, too. But I never got to see these guys play...yet. Pick it up on iTunes if you love pop-punk and songs about Nintendo. You will love this album. And closing this episode is a new track from Ridgemont. The song comes off of their split with Cleveland, Ohio based, Two Hand Fools. It's a nice split with two songs from each band, released through Mindless Records. Download it for free on their Bandcamp or pick up a copy of the 7" HERE. Really sweet punk-pop from these guys.
Thanks for taking the time to check out this episode and as well as the other ones. Some cool local shows coming this week. Ten year anniversary show for Black Square with Go Jimmy Go and a bunch others. The Knumbskulls will also be doing a partial reunion. It sounds interesting, I think the band will be featuring lots of guest vocalists singing along to their songs? And plus the original singer will be there as well. Should be interesting. I heard the Melvins will be making a stop here on their 50 state tour. From what I seen, looks like they'll be starting in Alaska going down to the Northwest area of the U.S. and ending here in Hawaii. That would be a really cool one to check out. Oh, and I heard the Pacquiao and Bradley fight was bogus. Did anyone check that out? I don't know man. I really don't, lol. Thanks for taking the time for stopping by! And if you've read this far, much thanks for that. And thanks to everyone downloading shows too! It's nice to see the activity that's happening on this website. And as always, thanks for listening!
- EPISODE #54 has been carefully prepared and now ready for your ears! Feel free to download the episode HERE or listen to it with some of the more recent past episodes HERE.
It's King Kamehameha Day on the islands. The festivities took place this past weekend. I heard traffic was going to be crazy, but I played it safe and stayed in. I think it's a state holiday, but I'm guessing everything will still be open and busy. I got to see Prometheus the past Thursday night. Premier night! And it was everything I hoped it would be. Amazing. I don't want to spoil it, but it did leave a lot of plot holes. It raised a number of questions as much as it answered (most importantly, the Space Jockey is somewhat cleared up, after 30 years!). I'm sure the story will continue in a couple more movies. It has to. Time to reconnect with some older movies and read up on some comics. This movie will probably break a few story lines on several Dark Horse titles.
On this episode, I have a nice mix of some hardcore, punk and pop tunes. I open up with a tune from Bust It!, a hardcore band from Connecticut. Really nice fast and aggressive hardcore. They have an EP out with Get Young Records and it's currently available for free download on their Bandcamp HERE. Also with a release from that label is Canvas the same state. But this four-piece play rock based tunes with a lot of pop hooks and sweet melodies. They have an LP out titled, Ashes, featuring eight songs which also includes a cover of the Bruce Springsteen song, Atlantic City. I take it back a little bit, and by taking it back, I mean for my generation? Some stuff from the past 10 years, it's not that old. I have tracks from Robot Eyes and The Pettyfords. Robot Eyes were a band that I saw back in the summer of 2005 at Awesome Fest in Portland, Oregon. Picked up their EP and been listening to them ever since. They released an album shortly after, Arret, but disbanded in 2007. The Pettyfords were a band I've been listening to for the longest time. Their Mmm...Pettyfords 7"was the third record I ever bought. Songs, Dreamboat and Tuesday, Thursday are probably my favorite tracks from them. But Aloha Means Goodbye is definitely one of my favorite albums ever, too. But I never got to see these guys play...yet. Pick it up on iTunes if you love pop-punk and songs about Nintendo. You will love this album. And closing this episode is a new track from Ridgemont. The song comes off of their split with Cleveland, Ohio based, Two Hand Fools. It's a nice split with two songs from each band, released through Mindless Records. Download it for free on their Bandcamp or pick up a copy of the 7" HERE. Really sweet punk-pop from these guys.
Thanks for taking the time to check out this episode and as well as the other ones. Some cool local shows coming this week. Ten year anniversary show for Black Square with Go Jimmy Go and a bunch others. The Knumbskulls will also be doing a partial reunion. It sounds interesting, I think the band will be featuring lots of guest vocalists singing along to their songs? And plus the original singer will be there as well. Should be interesting. I heard the Melvins will be making a stop here on their 50 state tour. From what I seen, looks like they'll be starting in Alaska going down to the Northwest area of the U.S. and ending here in Hawaii. That would be a really cool one to check out. Oh, and I heard the Pacquiao and Bradley fight was bogus. Did anyone check that out? I don't know man. I really don't, lol. Thanks for taking the time for stopping by! And if you've read this far, much thanks for that. And thanks to everyone downloading shows too! It's nice to see the activity that's happening on this website. And as always, thanks for listening!
June 24, 2012
- EPISODE #55 has been baked to perfection and ready to serve! Download the episode HERE (currently, only Part b) is available for download) or listen to it along with some past episodes HERE.
This is the one with the 2nd Birthday (Friends style, :-D). A birthday episode in celebration of two years of playing and talking about music. Yes, it is also a belated-birthday celebration (the podcast turned two on June 19 :-P) If you're subscribed to the podcast, you probably got it on June 19 or downloaded it because these lovely DUDES. Thanks to everyone who has spread the word of this podcast and who had nothing but kind words to say. It means a lot.
This year has been really good so far. And in that sense, I mean I've met some really cool people and bands because of this podcast. I haven't met anyone in person yet, lol, but talking through several emails is always nice. I remember writing people/bands through MySpace. Geez, what a happened there? That site completely changed by the end of 2010 and now all correspondence takes place through email. Not so much through Facebook, but it's nice to see band's always updating everyone. But now that site is starting to change drastically. Not being able to see posts and such? Might just have to integrate Twitter and update through there lol. How much more time will it last before it slowly descends into nothingness? There's still hope in Facebook.
For this episode, I made it extra special by splitting it into two parts. Like last year's One Year Episode, this two-part show will feature music from new releases that came out this year. Oh yeah, disregard some of the irrelevant information on there too...as I've released the episode last week on the other site HERE.
Opening the show is a new track from Abandon the Raft. The song comes off of their new EP, Surf the Machine. Pick it up on their Bandcamp HERE. It's very electronic based, lots of loops and beats. Some sick basslines too. I love the title too. I'm not up in Las Vegas anymore, so I'll only be able to check out their live stuff on Youtube. Check it out for yourselves too, HERE. Also, one of the members has a side solo project going on too, titled, Moonwatcher. It's all electronic compositions. Very sweet stuff with some special guest vocalists too. I featured a track on EPISODE 44, but be sure to visit Moonwatcher's Bandcamp HERE.
The second song is one from Pie Are Squared, a side solo project of Mohammed Ashraf who also plays in the rock band, Feed Me. Really nice, experimental, and always epic stuff. He's always coming out with new compositions and their always for free download on Bandcamp HERE. He also has some collaborative work too on his Tumblr, HERE.
With some new tunes since their last release, Full Body Tourettes [Pt.II], is Night Gaunts. I mentioned on the show about a new single (and play it) they released, Ill Informed. Well, they just released their new EP, Love Life and the Devil.
This is the one with the 2nd Birthday (Friends style, :-D). A birthday episode in celebration of two years of playing and talking about music. Yes, it is also a belated-birthday celebration (the podcast turned two on June 19 :-P) If you're subscribed to the podcast, you probably got it on June 19 or downloaded it because these lovely DUDES. Thanks to everyone who has spread the word of this podcast and who had nothing but kind words to say. It means a lot.
This year has been really good so far. And in that sense, I mean I've met some really cool people and bands because of this podcast. I haven't met anyone in person yet, lol, but talking through several emails is always nice. I remember writing people/bands through MySpace. Geez, what a happened there? That site completely changed by the end of 2010 and now all correspondence takes place through email. Not so much through Facebook, but it's nice to see band's always updating everyone. But now that site is starting to change drastically. Not being able to see posts and such? Might just have to integrate Twitter and update through there lol. How much more time will it last before it slowly descends into nothingness? There's still hope in Facebook.
For this episode, I made it extra special by splitting it into two parts. Like last year's One Year Episode, this two-part show will feature music from new releases that came out this year. Oh yeah, disregard some of the irrelevant information on there too...as I've released the episode last week on the other site HERE.
Opening the show is a new track from Abandon the Raft. The song comes off of their new EP, Surf the Machine. Pick it up on their Bandcamp HERE. It's very electronic based, lots of loops and beats. Some sick basslines too. I love the title too. I'm not up in Las Vegas anymore, so I'll only be able to check out their live stuff on Youtube. Check it out for yourselves too, HERE. Also, one of the members has a side solo project going on too, titled, Moonwatcher. It's all electronic compositions. Very sweet stuff with some special guest vocalists too. I featured a track on EPISODE 44, but be sure to visit Moonwatcher's Bandcamp HERE.
The second song is one from Pie Are Squared, a side solo project of Mohammed Ashraf who also plays in the rock band, Feed Me. Really nice, experimental, and always epic stuff. He's always coming out with new compositions and their always for free download on Bandcamp HERE. He also has some collaborative work too on his Tumblr, HERE.
With some new tunes since their last release, Full Body Tourettes [Pt.II], is Night Gaunts. I mentioned on the show about a new single (and play it) they released, Ill Informed. Well, they just released their new EP, Love Life and the Devil.
Pick up a copy of the EP on their Bandcamp HERE. The music is just so upbeat and groovy with a healthy mix of electronica. But it also has lots of keys and melody. You won't be disappointed.
Also on the show is another track from Indian School's EP, The Cruelest Kind (check out another tune on EPISODE 35). Last year, they were just streaming the songs on Soundcloud (and I don't think they recorded Head Right at the time). But this year, they finally released physical copies of the EP through Walnut Tree Records. A second pressing has been made and can be picked up on the labels website HERE. They also have some commentary recorded for the songs on The Cruelest Kind. Listen to to them on the band's website HERE. I love trivia. Especially the kind on IMDB.
I wanted to play this one track from Fathom This, a rock band from Canada. They're currently in search for a singer and so they recorded a couple demos for any potential new bandmates to listen to. Just so they have an idea of the kind of stuff they play. I really dug the tracks as just instrumentals and had to play one of them. Spreading the good word. Listen to another track of theirs on Soundcloud HERE. It's also up for download too.
I kind of just heard about this not too long ago. Some new music from Smokejumper. They've been releasing monthly singles on Bandcamp HERE. The new tunes are tight. Very early 90's punk pop and rock. Very catchy and melodic. Hope they keep busting out more tunes and eventually an entire full-length!
One of the more exciting new pieces of music I heard come out all year was this new single from Codename: Rock, Mile Markers. It's just one song, but it's such a good one. They've been practicing and gearing up for a reunion show coming up real soon. It's on June 30 at The Glass House in Pomona, California. It was announced earlier this year of course. I wish I was going. They would be a show to see.
Also on the show is another track from Indian School's EP, The Cruelest Kind (check out another tune on EPISODE 35). Last year, they were just streaming the songs on Soundcloud (and I don't think they recorded Head Right at the time). But this year, they finally released physical copies of the EP through Walnut Tree Records. A second pressing has been made and can be picked up on the labels website HERE. They also have some commentary recorded for the songs on The Cruelest Kind. Listen to to them on the band's website HERE. I love trivia. Especially the kind on IMDB.
I wanted to play this one track from Fathom This, a rock band from Canada. They're currently in search for a singer and so they recorded a couple demos for any potential new bandmates to listen to. Just so they have an idea of the kind of stuff they play. I really dug the tracks as just instrumentals and had to play one of them. Spreading the good word. Listen to another track of theirs on Soundcloud HERE. It's also up for download too.
I kind of just heard about this not too long ago. Some new music from Smokejumper. They've been releasing monthly singles on Bandcamp HERE. The new tunes are tight. Very early 90's punk pop and rock. Very catchy and melodic. Hope they keep busting out more tunes and eventually an entire full-length!
One of the more exciting new pieces of music I heard come out all year was this new single from Codename: Rock, Mile Markers. It's just one song, but it's such a good one. They've been practicing and gearing up for a reunion show coming up real soon. It's on June 30 at The Glass House in Pomona, California. It was announced earlier this year of course. I wish I was going. They would be a show to see.
More details about that show can be found HERE. And of course, the song is up for free download on the band's Facebook HERE.
Part b) of EPISODE #55 features a playlist of heavier tunes. Opening this side of the episode is a track from Siblings, from here on Oahu. They just released some unreleased tunes on Bandcamp HERE. Just last night they played their One Year Anniversary show, which happened to be the farewell show for local punk band, All Heart. Siblings will also be recording for a new 7" soon. Until then attend these shows featuring other local 808 superstars and an out-of-stater :-D. Go check'um, go check'um, go.
Part b) of EPISODE #55 features a playlist of heavier tunes. Opening this side of the episode is a track from Siblings, from here on Oahu. They just released some unreleased tunes on Bandcamp HERE. Just last night they played their One Year Anniversary show, which happened to be the farewell show for local punk band, All Heart. Siblings will also be recording for a new 7" soon. Until then attend these shows featuring other local 808 superstars and an out-of-stater :-D. Go check'um, go check'um, go.
Great new album from UK band, The Fear. They released a new album late last month titled, Here Goes Nothing, through Lockjaw Records. Really excellent tech punk rock and hardcore from these guys. Pick up the album through iTunes or on Lockjaw's Bandcamp HERE. They have a bunch of shows coming up too in their part of the world. But if you happen to be in the area, show some love :-D Details can be found on their Facebook HERE.
Another exciting new tune to come out this year is the new single, Sinking, from Last Stand For Lucy. The new song is part of their upcoming EP, Dysthymia Part II. The first of the two-part EP was released last year. Nice set of hard-rock tunes. The new EP should be no different from the sound of Sinking. The double-pedal action on the track is really tight too. But I think these guys need to release a full-length soon.
The following track on this episode comes from Invasives. They released a new 7" featuring two songs (Embracing Evil and Murder in the Afternoon). These guys will be recording for a new full-length as well. Nice to hear some new music from this band, since their last full-length, Desk Job at Castle Dracula (I love that title). Check out their tunes on Bandcamp HERE and download it for free.
Vices released a new 7", The Out Crowd Blues, through Melotov Records (pick up a cop through the label HERE). They play some intense hardcore with lots of blues style guitar riffs and solos. Really interesting listen and definitely worth checking out. They recently did an East Coast tour with Truth Inside. Listen to more of their songs from the new record HERE.
Some other excellent new music to come out is from Blighted from Southern California. The new LP from these guys is titled, Deliberate (it's up for free download HERE). Pick up a copy. It's dope. For real.
Another exciting new tune to come out this year is the new single, Sinking, from Last Stand For Lucy. The new song is part of their upcoming EP, Dysthymia Part II. The first of the two-part EP was released last year. Nice set of hard-rock tunes. The new EP should be no different from the sound of Sinking. The double-pedal action on the track is really tight too. But I think these guys need to release a full-length soon.
The following track on this episode comes from Invasives. They released a new 7" featuring two songs (Embracing Evil and Murder in the Afternoon). These guys will be recording for a new full-length as well. Nice to hear some new music from this band, since their last full-length, Desk Job at Castle Dracula (I love that title). Check out their tunes on Bandcamp HERE and download it for free.
Vices released a new 7", The Out Crowd Blues, through Melotov Records (pick up a cop through the label HERE). They play some intense hardcore with lots of blues style guitar riffs and solos. Really interesting listen and definitely worth checking out. They recently did an East Coast tour with Truth Inside. Listen to more of their songs from the new record HERE.
Some other excellent new music to come out is from Blighted from Southern California. The new LP from these guys is titled, Deliberate (it's up for free download HERE). Pick up a copy. It's dope. For real.
They had their record release this past Friday in Los Angeles. It featured an interesting lineup, but some pretty cool bands. Again, I probably would have driven out to see this show. Not too familiar with the LA area, thank god for mass production of the GPS. Hope to make it to one of their shows in the future though.
I wanted to close this episode with Dead Icons. They released an excellent full-length earlier this year through Bullet Tooth Recordings titled, Condemned. I absolutely love it. And it features some re-recorded tracks of previous material. I love it when bands do this because that means there's two different versions of the same song, done by the same band. The result is always a great, if not better, version of the original. The band recently went on the Kill the World Tour alongside Murder Death Kill and Thin Ice. Need to make it to one of their shows as well. It'd be a swell time.
Hope you enjoy the songs on this episode. Lots of new music here. Support the band's and the labels. And support your local scene. Attend a show. Pick up some music. Or just spread the good word :-D. Oh, and also, let me just explain the significance of the picture above. That's my friend, Kaley, at the college radio station at Eastern Oregon. The station, KEOL La Grande. In that outside room (and that's how it looked the last time I was there, maybe it change? that was in 2007) was where all the new releases were kept. Of course, there were a lot more piled on the floor, waiting to be filed away, as well as the new arrivals in the mail in the basement that were still waiting to be opened up. And the adjacent room in the background was the beginning part of the library of music. This was just the main room with the operating board and DJ equipment. Good times here. This building used to be the Math Department...but that was years ago. I just thought it was a cool looking picture, that's all :-D
Thanks to everyone who downloaded the episode so far (download every and any episode ever released, HERE). Part a) will be available for download towards the end of the month. And thanks for visiting the site. Be sure to check out the blog HERE. I'll be posting there for a bit for the next couple weeks or so. And then more new episodes to come next month. Thanks for stopping by and as always, thanks for listening!
I wanted to close this episode with Dead Icons. They released an excellent full-length earlier this year through Bullet Tooth Recordings titled, Condemned. I absolutely love it. And it features some re-recorded tracks of previous material. I love it when bands do this because that means there's two different versions of the same song, done by the same band. The result is always a great, if not better, version of the original. The band recently went on the Kill the World Tour alongside Murder Death Kill and Thin Ice. Need to make it to one of their shows as well. It'd be a swell time.
Hope you enjoy the songs on this episode. Lots of new music here. Support the band's and the labels. And support your local scene. Attend a show. Pick up some music. Or just spread the good word :-D. Oh, and also, let me just explain the significance of the picture above. That's my friend, Kaley, at the college radio station at Eastern Oregon. The station, KEOL La Grande. In that outside room (and that's how it looked the last time I was there, maybe it change? that was in 2007) was where all the new releases were kept. Of course, there were a lot more piled on the floor, waiting to be filed away, as well as the new arrivals in the mail in the basement that were still waiting to be opened up. And the adjacent room in the background was the beginning part of the library of music. This was just the main room with the operating board and DJ equipment. Good times here. This building used to be the Math Department...but that was years ago. I just thought it was a cool looking picture, that's all :-D
Thanks to everyone who downloaded the episode so far (download every and any episode ever released, HERE). Part a) will be available for download towards the end of the month. And thanks for visiting the site. Be sure to check out the blog HERE. I'll be posting there for a bit for the next couple weeks or so. And then more new episodes to come next month. Thanks for stopping by and as always, thanks for listening!